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What would you do with 1,000,000 Dollars?

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Move, learn a trade, start a new life, pay off all debts, wake up chained to a pole in Andrew's basement, invest in ShamWow, pay rent for 30 years, I don't know, save it for a rainy day and buy 100,000 umbrellas on amazon.

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Im pretty much a geek when it comes to coin collecting Now so i would buy a ton of silver and gold a few bitcoin and buy random stocks then give like half of the money away get a house pay morgate for 50years then die a nice happy life

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1 hour ago, 123DontMessWitMe said:

Move, learn a trade, start a new life, pay off all debts, wake up chained to a pole in Andrew's basement, invest in ShamWow, pay rent for 30 years, I don't know, save it for a rainy day and buy 100,000 umbrellas on amazon.

I don't have any poles in my basement, I killed them all.


I'd pay off my house and invest most of the rest.

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lol Andrew i will get me a big mansion get me a lambogoni pay it off with tax time and i will invest for me and after i make that i wil buy me i island home mansion

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buy a decent house


and go get a gaming rtx pc


thats it


i dont want mansion btw

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On 12/24/2020 at 6:55 PM, tetrisplayer2 said:

buy a 300,000$ house pay off a ton of morrge and car debt then retier

maybe you should something better then a house A MANSION

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I would save it for what i want and need, I wouldn't be wasting it because, who would waste that amount of money on stuff?

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A gaming PC that can run alot of games from 2015-2017, then just get a copy of MCC, oh and then just give some for my relatives and family.

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do nothing because i live in the uk




but if i did live in the us



get a decent a house and then get a gaming pc,


ok done

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eat people buy a girlfriend and eat her maybe a house and an epic gamer pc, advertise how cool i am on youtube, buy an M.P.P. buy a warehouse too

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stare at it


maybe buy a couple games and some new consoles like the fuckin... atari jaguar

oh and spend it on a new pc that isnt complete fucking dogshit  (cant even play minecraft well on my pc.)


On 1/31/2021 at 6:07 PM, Rulja1234 said:

Donate to charity and poor I don't need money 🙂

fuck them kids

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On 12/25/2020 at 2:08 AM, stein38302 said:

So what would you do with 1,000,000 Dollars?

I would buy a house and Better Pc.

i would buy a kubuntu focus m2 and an epic gamer mouse 

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