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  4. I don't think so, but I think that it's good idea to add it.
  5. I like Ubuntu Cinnamon the most, but sometimes it can't work on lower end computers, so I use Manjaro XFCE for those. Linux Mint is great too.
  6. Last week
  7. Can't say I could tell you the best computer operating system, but I have had a good time using Debian 12, which is my current OS. I liked MX Linux, which I used before, but had some issues with specific things. Didn't have a good time with Linux Mint, and the Windows operating systems get called Wangblows for a reason.
  8. Hello, is there any way of taking an isometric screenshot of your map in ClassiCube like you could in Indev? I would love to make timelapses out of my maps but I don't really know how I would go about doing that.
  9. Could someone port it to symbian? Cause I have an N97 with no other purpose in life other than running Doom and transmitting propaganda on FM Radio. I would say more ports to add but I've got a mind blank... Ah, I know that this will infinitly never exist, but an Avedia Mp-7222 HD Reciever/Player, the device is pretty old, but it has web functionality, Lan ports, and usb slots so maybe???? Then again not everyone has it so it wouldnt be ideal
  10. "surviual" - Famous last words from Exoo 2025
  11. Earlier
  12. Please read the forum guidelines before posting. Survival won’t, and never will be implemented. As for an easier server creation system, how could that be improved? What makes it complicated?
  13. I need surviual mode in classicube and an easy server making system
  14. Okay so is there any downloads for the server? Or links, maybe files via gdrive or mega or mediafire or dropbox or anything?
  15. Make sure you re-apply it to any bots that have that AI.
  16. Cool for the username XD but there are times it don’t sort I have to refresh the page
  17. So you cannot make servers via playit.gg?
  18. /botai doesn't work i did /botai or /bai add botname instruction it says that he instrusction was applied but nothing happens any fix?
  19. What are you even talking about? It says at the top of the post that this guide is out of date and you should read the new instructions right on the BetaCraft website
  20. what is that i cannot read it.
  21. How? I got only link from MCGalaxy and I don't know if I should share it or not.
  22. "Spam intensifies" Last rainbown skeppy words before my phone heat at 0.2 fps Btw it was really good. Sorry for off-topi. Good plugin.
  23. could you make an enderpearl plugin that like when you hold it activates /gun tp no matter the rank and when you hold another block/item it disables gun (why /gun tp because it acts like an enderpearl)
  24. Here is full screenshot
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