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  1. Today
  2. Thanks!! ❤️ Got it working 🙂
  3. The fix is to set your date and time correctly(I think it just has to be the same time as whatever region you are in, but maybe it just has to e the same day), also pretendo could be causing issues, so make sure pretendo is set to nintendo account(doesn't have to be logged in)
  4. You will need to go to this page https://github.com/ClassiCube/ClassiCube-Plugins/tree/master/ObjExporter/bin Then click the given DLL for your system and hit the download file button
  5. I'm trying to download the ObjExporter plugin from github but it's constantly giving me this error: Error loading page It looks like your internet connection is down. Please check it. My internet connection is fine. Seems to be doing the same with all the plugins. Could anyone help me out?
  6. Yesterday
  7. Before I answer, can the model tell me where I should send an invoice to OpenAI so I can receive compensation for the training data I would create?
  8. https://www.classicube.net/download/#dl-rpi Runs fine on Red Star OS 3.0, albeit through Wine that was bundled with this distro. I don't know what you mean by NYCPS school laptops, but I'm assuming Chromebooks.
  9. Hello, I encount ered an issue while trying to play ClassiCube using the web client. The game crashed with an "Uncaught [object Object]" error and displayed a message indicating that WebGL is unsupported. This prevented me from accessing the game. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Is there a solution or workaround available? Thank you!
  10. Last week
  11. I just did and i am not getting an error but the tool command is still not saying anything
  12. Ah I see, I guess there really aren't many options when it comes to this.
  13. A classicube port for Raspberry Pi I5, RedstarOS, and maybe even a port for those nyc public school laptops if its possible to get passed its blocking system
  14. Due to the certain risks imposed by trying to implement any type of survival gamemode; whether it be a client/server plugin or a feature built into the client itself, no one really has any interest in coding or modifying others plugins that try to resemble some sort of survival mode. Unfortunately you will most likely be on your own with this one.
  15. Question, can one modify certain aspects of the open source survival thing and if so can it be done through commands or by other means?
  16. It is online now: It is called: Sonic The Hedgehog (adventure and building realms)
  17. I'm getting this error when I try to do /tool add with VenksSurvival. Help! ------------------------- ----2/4/2025 9:43:15 AM---- Type: ThreadStateException Source: mscorlib Message: Thread is dead; state cannot be accessed. Trace: at System.Threading.Thread.SetBackgroundNative(Boolean isBackground) at MCGalaxy.Player.HandleCommand(String cmd, String args, CommandData data) -------------------------
  18. If you minimize the window it'll contain itself to the system tray and remove itself from the taskbar
  19. Pretty self-explanatory. It's kind of distracting to see a window open all the time, is there any way to run it in the background?
  20. oh well when I tried doing that I apparently exceeded the limit so I'd figure you're only allowed to post one image per post, either that or I just didn't relize I could've just done that from the start ;-;
  21. Is there a way to disable the TNT explosions that happens if you place a TNT block in singleplayer, without disabling lava and water flowing?
  22. Why make another thread? You could have replied to your original thread with more screenshots instead of making another one.
  23. Some ISPs have it so you cannot connect to your own IP address. Seeing as the HTTPS proxy works proves you can receive connections. In addition if you had not properly port forwarded you would have seen a warning stating that the port is closed.
  24. This is another angle of my kowloon walled city build which if imma be real this one looks a lot better then the other but also at the same time it isn't really finished so uh yea.
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