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Goodly last won the day on September 8

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  1. What does this have to do with MCGalaxy saving in those formats though? Were you hoping to use MCGalaxy level outputs as reference?
  2. Many basic building commands are explained here https://github.com/ClassiCube/MCGalaxy/wiki/Drawing
  3. You weren't banned for speaking spanish. You were banned because your post was only one word. No te banearon por hablar español. Te banearon porque tu publicación tenía solo una palabra.
  4. You will need to use commands to add the block to the server after you have the textures you want to use. https://www.classicube.net/forum/viewpost/6048-custom_block_creation_a_user39s_field_guide/
  5. You should post any crash logs or crash message if there is any.
  6. To add to this, make sure you resize by doubling only, such as 200% or 400% size
  7. Try visiting this url after you log in: https://www.classicube.net/acc
  8. They have either used /nickname or the server accepts any username and not just ClassiCube accounts
  9. Can you please join AlwaysClassic so we can investigate this further? Solved, there were two issues: 1) AlwaysClassic is configured to use skins based on the Minecraft account that matches the ClassiCube account name. So if you don't own the same name on MC and CC it won't work like expected. 2) -own isn't valid syntax for resetting your skin to default
  10. You can summon it using /hax summonentity tnt[tags:nuke]
  11. I was just echoing what Unk told me when I asked him how I could do it ages ago. Source code would be appreciated
  12. There is no way to change what level players spawn into initially
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