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  1. Hello! Here's the source code to my bad survival server if anyone wants it! (Always has been open source) I would recommend not trusting the compiled DLLs and compiling all plugins yourself, and finding the Inf-ID version of Mcgalaxy yourself https://github.com/morgana-x/mc-galaxy-server-backup Has + Working Doors + Tools + Beds that can be used as savepoints + Eatable Cakes + Naturally spawning Mobs (Modified MobAI by Venk) + Mining animations + Torches + Crafting + Mining + Held blocks + Daynight cycle (Modified Daynightcycle by Venk) I'm pretty much done with Classicube now and it will no longer have much major development from me at-least Thanks to Venk for original Survival plugin (Was rewritten though pretty much by me at this point), as well as MobAI, DaynightCycle, and Holdblock plugin, very much the goat
  2. Currently client plugins have separate versions for seperate OSes and they aren't on all platforms, but I reccommed to make new client plugins format that will be same on all platforms that supports them. It will allow to add client plugins to more platforms. I think that PC clients should support both new and old client plugin format.
  3. Indev Adventure has come to ClassiCube! Indev Adventure is a mod for Minecraft Indev that adds in 9 level types, 7 level themes and 3 structures. This plugin allows you to use that mod's world generation inside your own MCGalaxy server! Simply drop the C# file into the plugins folder, run '/pcompile IndevAdventureGen' and '/pload IndevAdventureGen' and you're good to go! To learn about how to customize it, type in '/help newlvl IndevAdventure' for a list of arguments, types, themes and structures. Indev Adventure uses a system of terrain generation stages that are layered on top of each other and can be mixed and matched in different ways. That means that it is very easy to make your own types, themes and structures in the code. Source code: https://gist.github.com/BlueStaggo/6ce053244f1f65fe131cd535dbde690e
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