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Glod Menbie
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ClassiCool last won the day on October 13

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  1. I've released version 1.1 of this plugin which allows for much greater customizability! You can adjust many properties across different terrain generation stages through the power of JSON and I even sneaked in a new level type.
  2. For people who have tried to get this plugin working on Windows, I did a couple fixes so that it works now. I've only tested it on Linux :P
  3. Well it's not in the Github releases and it's not a tag so I assume there'll still be a little bit more work on it. The "Release" commit was likely only for updating the version number, not the actual release.
  4. With MCGalaxy seemingly around the corner, I wonder if official compilations will go full force with .NET 8 or if will stick to .NET Framework 4 for just a bit longer. With over 13 years between them, I feel like it's a good time to upgrade. Not only is .NET 8 cross platform, but it also comes with a much newer version of C# with more bearable syntax (for example, you'd no longer have to type in `{ get { return "blah blah blah"; } }` for getters, just `=> "blah blah blah";`).
  5. Indev Adventure has come to ClassiCube! Indev Adventure is a mod for Minecraft Indev that adds in 9 level types, 7 level themes and 3 structures. This plugin allows you to use that mod's world generation inside your own MCGalaxy server! Simply drop the C# file into the plugins folder, run '/pcompile IndevAdventureGen' and '/pload IndevAdventureGen' and you're good to go! To learn about how to customize it, type in '/help newlvl IndevAdventure' for a list of arguments, types, themes and structures. Indev Adventure uses a system of terrain generation stages that are layered on top of each other and can be mixed and matched in different ways. That means that it is very easy to make your own types, themes and structures in the code. Source code: https://gist.github.com/BlueStaggo/6ce053244f1f65fe131cd535dbde690e
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