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  3. You crazy son of a gun, it worked and I connected successfully
  4. Turn Non-classic features OFF and then the Game version option should become available
  5. Nice idea, but unfortunately... I will probably try updating (after its thoroughly backed up) but if theres a way to change the game version im all ears... tysm btw
  6. Last week
  7. ClassiCube is first and foremost a re-creation of Minecraft Classic 0.30. While it does support some older versions, it probably doesn't work with the specific one you chose for your server. If you want it to work for sure you should use the 0.30 server
  8. I wanted to check up on the place but I cant seem to connect using the classicube client, its version 0.0.23a_1 which as far as I know is one of the later classic versions, I keep getting a wrong version error and was wondering if I could get a hand! Why here? I apologize in advance for such a technical topic as im aware that most of you are likely not very technical but I really dont think this is an issue or bug with classcube but rather my own thick skull The deets Java I'm using openlogics openjdk 8 for this, I have never had an issue with any of the open JDK java versions but im aware this could be a potential cause, I have this setup to override all other java versions on my pc Server + Client version 0.0.23a_1, I was unable to find the classicube protocol version, perhaps ill check the log for details on that Any help or suggestions/questions are welcome, and mods, if your reading this, I'm sorry if this breaks the rules, if it makes a difference I truly didnt think I was breaking the rules (WHICH IVE READ)! LMAO Below is a test on a new world to make sure this isnt a simple case of file corruption
  9. Same I love classicube it archived my favorite time period of minecraft!
  10. I love classicube, classicube is the best minecraft classic
  11. kpvn


    yaeh i hab footagge!!1!1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmBnAt3purg
  12. There never was and there never will be voice chat. Just like survival mode.
  13. ClassiCube doesn't implement voice chat and there are no plugins that do so.
  14. i dont think there is voice chat idk
  15. So when I attempt to load up any server with proxy it tells me it failed preloading the IndexedDB I believe and I don't know if its my device but if its not I would like to notify you of it please help me I just want to play
  16. The owners decided to shut the server down as they didn’t have the interest to maintain it anymore.
  17. I remember playing this server, I also want to know what happened because I was wanting to play it too. Does anyone have the discord link for it?
  18. I cannot use commands such as /z command and /botset on the map named lab on my own server.
  19. Earlier
  20. holy shit game theory hire this guy
  21. (ignore the ps4 part it's on pc too)
  22. blow him up with the tnt
  23. kpvn


    Is there a lore reason there is a spider in C&B anarchy? Is he stupid?
  24. Tomatolover

    This is it

    Ok, I will show my birth cirtificate, if anyone wants it, because at this point, this is my last attempt, I love this game, but cuz I lied once, it's all gone, and I'm freaking out. I need to know, is there anyone who believes me I can talk in the morning
  25. What's gonna happen is that you are going to be banned on here as well. Come back in a year from now on a new account and you will be fine.
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