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  1. BRNBot3


    (Translation: Hello, what is the source code.zip of MCGalaxy for, because I want to make a server but I don't know how) El sourcecode o codigo fuente en espaƱol sirve para crear el archivo .exe de mcgalaxy (MCGalaxy.exe) pero no es para hacer servidores, para hacer servidores necesitas tener MCGalaxy y port-foward tu router, de alli no se que mas pasos. (Translation: The sourcecode is used to create the .exe file of mcgalaxy (MCGalaxy.exe) but it is not to make servers, to make servers you need to have MCGalaxy and port-foward your router, from there I don't know what other steps.)
  2. Even if you manage to get it running in 3DS, the 3DS version only supports 255 blocks at the moment, any block with a higher ID will become its fallback block
  3. the only method i know at the moment is going to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.classicube.android.client and delete the cache folder, then go to files/texturecache and delete all, that will fix the crashing issue when downloading texture packs (on android)
  4. in the standalone version you can select the order of the servers by clicking these
  5. no Ivan95, custom blocks are possible in classicube, you can add custom blocks if you are in a server, and the animated textures you need to edit a file called Animations.txt on a texture zip but i cant explain that, the file comes with a explaination written on it whatsoever
  6. there has been this guy spamming a discord server and saying crap, here is a pic (he wrote the p-word with a "00"), im doing this because im actually concerned.
  7. Type /map guns in chat while you are on the map where you want to activate and use guns
  8. It's a bug in Classicube, the same thing happens to me on my Android when a map reloads, and I have to put the FPS option back to LimitNone
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