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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/05/2020 in all areas

  1. 12 points
  2. 11 points
    These are some super important guidelines to follow when making your dirt house tutorial. If your thread is found to be of low enough quality, it will be expunged with extreme prejudice. Perhaps you'll even get a temporary ban, to sate our thirst for bans. Jk we won't ban you (probably). Title Guidelines Your thread's title must describe what the tutorial is about and be about the length of a short sentence. As an example: How to make a dirt house in 3 easy steps! Once you've got the title out of the way, you must make sure to set the tags. It's not super important that you add more than one, but that one is a doozy. It must categorize what the tutorial is for. As an example, if your tutorial pertains to a particular server software, add that server software name to your tags and then set it as your Item prefix. Here's an example: Tutorial Guidelines Make sure your tutorial ticks the following boxes: Has clear, easy-to-follow steps. Descriptive descriptions. Images for clarification A point (no, "how to get OP on my server" is not a good tutorial) Good luck making tutorials!
  3. 9 points
  4. 7 points
  5. 7 points
  6. 6 points
    This tutorial shows you how to set up a server running MCGalaxy to allow players to connect from BetaCraft, or other services. NOTE: BETACRAFT SERVER LIST IS CURRENTLY ON FREEZE DUE TO RECENT SCRIPT KIDDIE ATTACKS. Step 1. Open up server.properties inside the properties folder, and under "Other settings" you should find a variable called "HeartbeatURL". Step 2. Change HeartbeatURL to http://www.classicube.net/heartbeat.jsp,https://betacraft.uk/heartbeat.jsp After doing that, the following area should look like this. Step 3. Save the file, and do /server reload to generate the necessary configuration. Step 4 (MCGalaxy Open up authservices.properties inside the properties folder, and look for a line that says URL = http://www.classicube.net/heartbeat.jsp Under it change name-suffix = to name-suffix = + And under URL = https://betacraft.uk/heartbeat.jsp change skin-prefix = to skin-prefix = https://minotar.net/skin/ (MCGalaxy along side changing mojang-auth = false to mojang-auth = true The file should now look like this. Doing these changes allows the server to know and properly store player info for each player on each authentication service, and allows ClassiCube players to see Minecraft player skins. Step 5. Save the file and do /server reload, and wait for a while. Step 6. Check both of the server lists if your server is listed. Step 7. Join the server using the same username on both BetaCraft and ClassiCube to see if everything works.
  7. 6 points
    sudo apt update sudo apt install mono-complete unzip mkdir MCGalaxy cd MCGalaxy wget https://github.com/ClassiCube/MCGalaxy/releases/download/ unzip mcgalaxy_1.9.4.9.zip screen -S server (optionally) mono MCGalaxyCLI.exe
  8. 6 points
    I don't feel like playing Classicube anymore, i don't feel welcome here. Good bye.
  9. 5 points
  10. 5 points
  11. 4 points
    yes there was a new rule: if your name is Tou youre not allowed to play and your account gets banned
  12. 4 points
    Hopefully Classicube isnt AI generated
  13. 4 points
    You edit server.properties in the properties folder. There you can find a server name field. Change it.
  14. 4 points
    Do not install any plugins written by goldberg. They are known to install malicious plugins that give them backdoor permissions to mess up the server. Goldberg is also known as PurpleDragon and JustinDupa
  15. 4 points
  16. 4 points
    "usually" so you're implying some of these sightings are not fake?
  17. 4 points
    Not Awesome 2 [Realms and More]'s gun game
  18. 4 points
  19. 4 points
    NOTE: THIS TEXTURE PACK IS OUTDATED GO HERE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Zoey's Classicful-32x is a (Unofficial) fan-made spin-off of the iconic Minecraft Faithful 32x pack series texture pack for Classicube, it enhances Classicube's default texture pack to be upscaled to 32 pixels in scale (This texture pack takes on the modern pre-1.14 style vattic style textures so some or most blocks look modern despite it being alpha textures, sorry about that). Examples of the many textures: Theres also a another version of this texture pack called Mo' Blocks Version/"Server Friendly" Version which is for servers, it has more block textures and it is allowed for to be modified to the server's needs, However it cannot be released outside servers and/or credit as their own. Downloads: Normal Version: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/rdw6aradxuvlkqr/Zoey'sClassicful-32x.zip Mo' Blocks Version/"Server Friendly" Version; https://dl.dropbox.com/s/bjkrk3ennhtjkb7/ZF32xS-FVer.zip Notes: You're allowed to use this texture pack for Servers, Maps for minigames, and Making 32x texture packs with these as long as you credit me and other people who has made the textures. (like how i made the magma or crate textures) ❤️ If theres any bugs or fixes I should sort out and iron out, feel free to dm me! Do make sure to check out the link if you want to borrow the textures from here and check out here for guidelines on usage of other faithful textures: https://web.archive.org/web/20150607220656/http://www.minecraftforum.net:80/forums/mapping-and-modding/resource-packs/1223254-faithful-32x32-pack-update-red-cat-clay-1-8 (Note: Do make sure to ask the creators of the grass top, gravel and ice textures for use, credited in the 1credits.txt zip file. - Z
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