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I don't have many games in my new computer right now, and I would like to know any games I could play to decrease my levels of boredom

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There's this cool block game called "ClassiCube". Not sure how good it is. I hear it has a good community and a very prolific developer. You should consider checking them out on your favorite video game console.

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1 minute ago, KaelFinley said:

If you're looking to banish boredom, consider classics like Minecraft for creativity or try out the fast-paced excitement of Rocket League. For a chill vibe, Stardew Valley is a gem. Also, have you checked out apps that pay cash? It's a fun way to level up not just in games but in the real world too!

You could play ClassiCube too

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If you're in the mood to kick boredom to the curb, Counter-Strike is a game you should definitely consider. It's incredibly engaging, and I've been totally hooked on it lately. The competitiveness and teamwork aspect of CS can make it a real adrenaline rush.Now, here's an extra tip to enhance your CS experience – check out a CS2 skins marketplace. Customizing your weapons with cool skins adds a whole new level of excitement to the game. Trust me; it's worth exploring!But if you're into different genres or looking for a change of pace, let me know what you're into, and I can suggest some more games to keep that boredom at bay.

Edited by EvaArias

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If you're in the mood to kick boredom to the curb, ClassiCube is a game you should definitely consider. It's incredibly engaging, and I've been totally hooked on it lately. The competitiveness and teamwork aspect of CC can make it a real adrenaline rush.

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if you in mod kick boardom to kerb , clacub is game conider you deifnitely . it engayng and i hook adictad . competaitovnas and temwrk of clacub can maek it real adronaline rus .

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On 11/28/2023 at 2:28 PM, basil said:

if you in mod kick boardom to kerb , clacub is game conider you deifnitely . it engayng and i hook adictad . competaitovnas and temwrk of clacub can maek it real adronaline rus .

if you bord plat classic cube it engayging and a gam. tha gmae is good and its a gaem. it cool!

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1 hour ago, Friendlyscout1 said:

if you bord plat classic cube it engayging and a gam. tha gmae is good and its a gaem. it cool!

Class Of Cube good .,

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For strategy enthusiasts, "Civilization VI" and "Stellaris" are fantastic choices. You can build your own civilization or explore the mysteries of the cosmos – both games offer deep and engaging experiences.

If you're in the mood for something more laid-back, "Stardew Valley" is a delightful farming simulator where you can tend to your crops, raise animals, and build a charming virtual life. And if you want a social gaming experience, gather your friends and dive into the deception and laughter of "Among Us."

Now, let's talk about the anchor you mentioned. If you're feeling adventurous and want to try some games to make money, you can explore options like online poker or casino games.

Edited by DiezIrae
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You can try Minecraft Alpha.

MC Alpha 1.0.16_05.13 Rosepad is my favourite.(Check AlphaVers wiki)

You can also try Alpha v1.2.6, 1.1.2_01 and MC Classic/Indev/Infdev+.

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On 9/7/2023 at 2:41 AM, Corewalker said:

I don't have many games in my new computer right now, and I would like to know any games I could play to decrease my levels of boredom

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Sonic The Hedgehog (for the Master System / Game Gear, you will need an emulator)
Angry Birds Star Wars
Good old lava survival (a classicube server, but still)
HOVER! (it is on the Windows 95 setup cd)
Solitaire (if you know how to play)
hug sad bunnies (it is on codepen)
train ride (original is down, this is a remix: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/890058378)

those are the only ones i can remember from the top of my head. sorry.


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I recommend FEZ, Unciv, Super Meat Boy, Sonic Robot Blast 2 and osu!

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Akalabeth: World of Doom, one of the earliest CRPGs. SpliceHack, a fork of NetHack and SLASH'EM.

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