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Everything posted by Corewalker

  1. I recommend disabling blockdb altogether if its an anarchy server /Blockdb disable
  2. I'll try it out, thanks for the recommendation
  3. I don't have many games in my new computer right now, and I would like to know any games I could play to decrease my levels of boredom
  4. I thought they were referring to 3d voxel models in blocks, in case they weren't then there's steps on how to do this: 1: Download Blockbench here https://www.blockbench.net/ 2: Make a model and save it as bbmodel format 3: Upload your model to any cloud service Note: The next steps will require custom models to be installed in the server 4: Do /cm upload [your username here]+[keyword] 5: Done! You can now wear your model with the use of /model [full name of the model]
  5. Wii U, it has a mic and it's a pretty good console with a touchscreen on its controller (but I hope the port ins't lazy and just straight up uses the touchscreen like if it was the mobile version of Classicube)
  6. my pc is a potato, i eat a little bit of it everyday 🙂
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