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Describe your crappy superpower

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Imagine having superpowers, but their usage is super specific and not all that helpful.


I'll start: The ability to teleport to somebody, but only after they open a message from you, and only once every 24 hours.

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The ability to be invisible, but you're always invisible, and it's /only/ you that's invisible. Your clothing and any amount of grime, dirt, or dust on your skin, is all still visible.

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It would be more fun if we described the superpower of the previous person.


The ability to reverse time, but not remember anything that happened in the future.

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The ability to say "Kazuma" then people start dancing in a period of time about 4~9 minutes only if you are in a dangerous situation.

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Making things levitate towards me, but only for 3 seconds, then they fly away because I have no friends.

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I become completely resistant to even the highest temperatures on Earth but only if there's a 52 years old masked serial killer trying to kill me in Antarctica.

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