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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I don't feel like playing Classicube anymore, i don't feel welcome here. Good bye.
  2. 2 points
    Maybe that is for a good reason.
  3. 2 points
    See you next week (not a bad-humored joke, no one managed to truly leave ClassiCube so far)
  4. 2 points
  5. 1 point
    never forgetti u
  6. 1 point
    Good bye sweet prints you will be forever miss
  7. 1 point
    Every month is straight people month. You're not being attacked. You have all the rights that everybody else has. You have nothing to parade for. That's why there isn't a straight month. but you're free to start one. If you don't like pride parades etc., just don't attend. The fact that there are still people thinking like you, shows that there's still a need for pride month. I'm neither gay or religious and I'm not going to any church. What makes you think the theology in your church doesn't suck? With all the religions that exist, it's quite arrogant and illogical to think that exactly your religion and your way of following it, is the one and only correct one.
  8. 0 points
    My original thread: So it seems like, after some months after, the mode got removed altogether. It seems like Harmonix was close to finishing the ClassiCube mode beta, but they shut it down right before. All I get is an error with "Couldn't connect to servers" and that's it. No error code or anything. The dudes over at MiloHax have now based RB3 Deluxe off the version with the ClassiCube mode, but it seems like they've taken out the mode altogether. I have tried contacting jnack and the MiloHax/RB3DX team about their removal of this mode, but all I got was a "I'm pretty sure this mode doesn't exist. Are you crazy or what?" response. I'm honestly stumped. Why would they remove such a mode from the game, when I know damn well they had intentions for adding in this mode in the first place. Now, I'm questioning if they even added in this mode in the first place. Did Harmonix have anything to do with it? Somebody at Harmonix adding in this mode without the knowledge of the other members (at first)? I don't know. It just seems weird and confusing.
  9. -5 points
    Hi, Classicube So you know how you guys have apk for android and how it performs poor. I was saying that you should add it to the play store it will be more accessible and not glitchy. The users that are one n google family links and parental controls account cant download apk so well for my 6 cousins and others the app will get better and you guys will get more downloads. (If you are considering to do this pls dont make it played or add ads) Thx,me I mean to not be payed
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