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  1. Screenshot by 123DontMessWitMe A new lighting feature is planned for ClassiCube. With this new feature, called fancy lighting, bright blocks will cast a much wider range of light, allowing dark spaces in maps to be lit up. This new feature improves the builder's creative freedom and the player's experience by allowing a variety of light levels to be set throughout the map, much like Minecraft versions after Classic. This option will coexist with the current advanced lighting option, which is renamed to smooth lighting in the new branch. To try out the new feature, you'll use the ModernLighting branch. While you can build this version from source code yourself, there are built versions for Windows and Linux that can be downloaded from GitHub Actions using nightly.link, so here they are: https://nightly.link/ClassiCube/ClassiCube/workflows/build_windows/ModernLighting https://nightly.link/ClassiCube/ClassiCube/workflows/build_linux/ModernLighting Here's the source code for the ModernLighting branch of ClassiCube: https://github.com/ClassiCube/ClassiCube/tree/ModernLighting This branch may be updated frequently, so check back for a new version! You can see all of the changes on GitHub. I've also built a webclient version so more people can try it out. It's only singleplayer, and it is a bit finicky for me at least, but the new feature is all working: https://ctrl-c.club/~square/ I hope you find this new feature interesting!
  2. There is no way to set a command permission only in a specific level. Allowing players to make custom blocks without having access to /lb generally (along with many other commands) is what /os is for. Players can use /os lb to create blocks in their realms.
  3. Using MCGalaxy, is there a command to set a permission for a command in a certain level? I want to make it so in every created realm (they are created using message blocks) in a server makes it so that anybody can use the /levelblock command in it. Help always appreciated :D
  4. I am trying to make a spleef gamemode, but am running into an issue. My goal is to use a message block with a cuboid command between two positions, and then fill it in with TNT. But it doesn't seem that it's possible to fill a cuboid with a command (like this: /cuboid tnt 0 0 0 20 20 20) Anyone know a way to achieve this goal? Help is appreciated :D
  5. I don't know if you are ignorant or purposefully rude, but the server is designed to be a fairly Vanilla experience. We use the Minecraft Alpha and Beta textures for all of our blocks. We have put effort into building the server and ensuring it is a safe and happy place where people can talk together and build. The server is intentionally and boldly Vanilla, so I think it is wholly unfair to say that the server is just an "effortless freebuild server."
  6. there are 2 builds on your main map and they're just large blocks
  7. Welcome to New The30s! New The30s is a freebuild server and community dedicated to improving upon the Minecraft Classic experience from 2009 to 2013. New The30s began on the 29th December, 2021 as a successor to The30s using the MCGalaxy server software. Since then, New The30s has been continually expanding upon it's content for all users to enjoy. We are tirelessly committed to a creative, free Classic experience. Sit back, relax, and enjoy all the new updates to the server. What does “New The30s” mean anyway? “New The30s” is short for “New The0.30s.” Classic 0.30 was the final version of Classic to be released. Classic 0.30 is the main version that the ClassiCube client builds upon using CPE, or the Classic Protocol Extension. This allows our server to have custom textures, blocks, models and so much more! The “New” tells you that this is the New server running MCGalaxy, NOT to be confused with “The30s,“ running an older software without any of the custom features. The freebuild Worlds Azurea, Aetheria and Xenaria are our newest freebuild worlds! Azurea already has plenty of cool builds and content for you to discover, including a racetrack built using MBs! Azurea and Aetheria also both have amazing displays of 2D and 3D pixel art for everyone to enjoy. Glowstone has been added to the inventory! This will allow you to spice up your builds, light displays, pixel art... You name it! The block is available to build with in any of the open freebuild worlds for all server members. Go nuts! New The30s has updated its logo! The new logo is much more pleasant on the eyes and will help to keep our server recognisable and enjoyable. Create your own private maps and build in them with friends! Make custom blocks and texture packs! Build amazing creations and save them for years to come! What's not to love? Finally, meet our community! We have a great welcoming and friendly community where everyone is free to remain with us. We have an active Conference and moderation team who ensures the server is safe for all. Come on down to New The30s! Have great fun! You won't regret it.
  8. you joined with three accounts su**, my, di**, f***lol, in order, when i was telling you to stop griefing with the yellow blocks
  9. Yes. As the post you're replying states you need to add using MCGalaxy.Modules.Awards; to the top of your file. (Why does Invision not support small code blocks like Markdown or HTML's <code> block?)
  10. I am trying to make a secret command for my server that gives an award when you use it (you will only be able to use it once). I can't figure out how to A; have it check if you have the award before trying to give it to you again and B; if you don't have the award, give it to you. I can't figure it out as all I can figure out how to do at the moment is p.Message() and p.PlayerActions.ChangeLevel() or whatever. Someone please help :D. I am using MCGalaxy for my server FYI
  11. The Classic Protocol Extension system is quite flexible (it's been expanded at least 37 times). While whatever features you introduce probably won't be accepted upstream, you can absolutely make a client that works on both normal ClassiCube and your custom modified version. Spec out a non-standard extension. When players connect to a FPS server, they get kicked if they don't declare support for it. Alternatively, you can gracefully fall back to simpler behavior when a player doesn't support your magic features. With non-standard extensions I made (none of which went anywhere, sorry), I always prefixed them so they'd never clash with the standard, much like HTTP Headers. Something like "X-classi3-InfiniteMap" wouldn't conflict with the standard, and wouldn't conflict with other non-standard extensions made for other servers. All this being said, modding ClassiCube into what is essentially a different game, with it's own separate and custom client, and then using the main classicube.net server index to announce and play it, doesn't feel particularly in line with the soul of the game. Many players will try to join, realize you need an extra download, and feel like they're missing out. Won't help that most chromies are literally incapable of installing a custom client. At some point, there's no reason to keep using the old and crunchy network protocol, since you won't be interoperating with the main client anyway. If for some reason, you still want to go forward, I feel you'd get better results forking this into a separate project, maybe it's own dedicated server list. You can still announce your servers on the main index. Although, it would be best if you kept them off the public list and instead linked to the server IDs on your own index/website instead. That way players with CC accounts can join your server. Further down that path is becoming your own player and server tracker. Several CC servers accept players from BetaCraft, which uses Mojang accounts instead of ClassiCube accounts. This leaves the door for still allowing users from CC to join through private server IDs without having to register on your service. ClassiCube also has an OAuth system (which is used for this forum!) that you could potentially use to allow quick sign-in without forcing players to re-register for the new one. Ask AndrewPH about it, if and when you're serious about doing something like that. TLDR: You're making a completely new game. There are many options, if you decide to use ClassiCube as the basis for your project. Doing any of them is a large amount of work and dedication, just to stay connected to the community in some way. At some point, you're better off writing your game from scratch.
  12. this isn't for me, but lately, some people have been experiencing texture errors and saying that its not loading. what causes this?
  13. This is still weak evidence. They only asked for "updates and improvements to enhance the player experience" but didn't clarify more on what exactly they're looking for. I personally think ClassiCube is at a point where it's well polished and it's difficult to "improve" it since servers can already fill in the blank by adding their own blocks, improving on or creating new gamemodes (see New Blood, LaserTaggedCTF, Puissant Royale, and the adventure maps in Not Awesome2). Also keep in mind that it's mostly one person, UnknownShadow, working on the game. I would say that's a lot of effort coming from only him. If this message is supposedly AI-generated, why should we care about what an AI thinks of ClassiCube? It wouldn't be able to speak for what Gogofbi actually wants to see (which is nothing as they've never elaborated more on this).
  14. April fools! and Archive.org Hello! If you haven't got the memo and seen the date from yesterday, Happy April fools! Don't worry there isn't any scary videos or weirdly written announcement pages, well there was but I removed it, and now everything is back to normal with new download links and that, I also have upgraded the download sites from Dropbox to Mediafire for a more better download experince, so don't worry if you thought things were going to be permenant, on the other side though, the version that was released for the HDefinitive april fools post seen in the images here is a version of Royalty³ that is meant to resemble more of and paying a tribute to 123DMWM's faithful 64x texture pack that came before, everything there is mostly just made for silly fun and in good light with everything and textures mimicing the weird and wackyness of Default-64x and everything all in the Royalty³ coat of 32x texture res shine! Even has the extra blocks and animations in the terrain.png! + also has a HD variant of the skybox that I put through a stretchy upscale machine to make it have that extra pixel shine! And yes I got premission from 123DMWM to make this version, so don't get any weird ideas about me stealing from him since I made this! Give his texture pack website some love whilst you're at it! https://123dmwm.com/texturepacks.html So where is this dubious and mysterious april fools version I am talking about since that I have removed the download links? well prior to the events of yesterday, I made a archive.org page for Royalty³ back from between Feburary and March to save and archive the files and stuff for Royalty³, Including Promo material, Classicful-32x material and even behind the scenes stuff with exclusively released early screenshots and WIP textures, with .pdn files too, So now the April fools version now lays dormant in the Archive.org page to be now downloaded there for anyone to use... if they are a psychopath. Again I would like to thank everyone for your support of Royalty³ and have a very happy april fools! Don't forget to click and visit the Archive.org page if you want!
  15. simple, /mb [block you want the portal to be] /goto [map name] if you want a portal that tps you to another location in the same map, then just do /portal [block you want the portal to be] then add an entry block and an exit block entry blocks is the block u have to click that tps you to the other location, which is the exit block also you can make them air blocks if you want, so instead of people clicking the block to get tped by the portals or the mb blocks, they can just collide with the air block to get tped
  16. Please read through MCGalaxy's documentation. There's also a link for this as well, https://github.com/ClassiCube/MCGalaxy/wiki/Custom-textures
  17. So how can you combine blocks with a portal?
  18. Use message blocks. See /mb on how to use them. And to assist with filling in said portals use /t to basically repeat the command every single time you place a block.
  19. Let it be a texture pack, but let it be a texture pack consisting of blocks other than normal blocks.
  20. There may also be a texture pack
  21. Servers can send custom models so no client modification needed there. My main concern with attempting to develop any kind of fps mechanics is that the delay based netcode of classicube makes it kind of unsatisfying and difficult to play. At least for any sort of hitscan-type weapons. No custom sounds or camera feedback(shake, first person fire anim, etc) will also leave the gamefeel lacking. Oh yeah, alecdent mentioned this as well. Definitely doable if someone has the motivation to add it
  22. Hello! I set up and crossplay between Betacraft and Classicube on my server (thanks to icanttellyou.) But theres a problem with something, my goal is that every betacraft player needs to be sent to a specific map, that has classic blocks. I know how to setup the classic fb map. I just don't know how to make betacraft players join there. Does anyone know how i can make that?
  23. Hi, i want to make a beam block with the /lb command, i'm trying to have the block be put in the middle but every time i try it just cuts it off at the end of the upper left corner, can someone help me on what i can do to make this block? I would also like to know if theres any modeling tools that can help me visualize how a blocks cords will look.
  24. when i tried to join the server this morning it crashed and kept crashing every time i tried this may be connected to this error but it has been there before the crashing ------------------------- ----29.02.2024 8:51:56---- Type: ReflectionTypeLoadException Source: mscorlib Message: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information. Trace: at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module) at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes() at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes() at MCGalaxy.Scripting.IScripting.LoadTypes[T](Assembly lib) at MCGalaxy.Scripting.IScripting.LoadPlugin(String path, Boolean auto) at MCGalaxy.Scripting.IScripting.AutoloadPlugins() ## Loader exceptions ## Type: FileNotFoundException Source: Message: Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Trace: Type: FileNotFoundException Source: Message: Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Trace: UPDATE Ive found the problem! the issue was with my custom plugin that kicks all russian IPs the second error is with the AntiVPN plugin but it doesnt crash because of it
  25. Check MapHack custom command here. It may do what you want, but if not its code serves as an example of how to edit the MOTD for a specific player. https://github.com/ClassiCube/MCGalaxy-Plugins?tab=readme-ov-file#commands-list Alternatively, you can edit the MOTD for any given map using /map motd [args] or /os map motd [args]
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