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SuperZPMax last won the day on July 31 2024

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  1. After a while, 2s1m was down for weeks, it is finally back in a new way! I have added cross-play for Betacraft V2 (Theres a bug that BC V2 needs fixed in order to join CC servers) And does not have any custom blocks w/ no hax. for example no more blocks like: stone brick, magma, crate ect. , with physics off. This server is fully classic, with no hax. Name: 2s1m - 2servers1map [Anarchy] Feel free to join! Spawn as the first day of the server:
  2. After some time, i thought we could bring back 2s1m... However after some bad stuff happening in that server before, in its first era. I come up with an idea. Discrimination or any kind of offensive stuff is banned. And also i will moderate it so people follow CC's TOS. Because it is a requirement. But still, you can feel free to join! Server: 2s1m [ANARCHY] I will post screenshots some time soon.
  3. Yeah i had to shutdown it for reasons. Sorry but i am no longer will host the 2S1M Server. And it is shutdown permanently.
  4. Hello! I am the owner of SuperZPMax's Server. And i wanted to say, that i am opening a anarchy server, which will run 7/24! This server doesn't have any rules (You still need to follow ClassiCube's Terms of Service). Still no one said it will be easy. Hax will be disabled, and you cannot use any drawing commands. Feel free to join the server! Name: 2S1M (Anarchy) You know. It will be never easy to survive, or keep a base for long.
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