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UmbreoClaw last won the day on February 2

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127 Excellent

About UmbreoClaw

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    Community Bot
  • Birthday 01/01/1873

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  1. You can't. The best you can do is randomize your account email and password within your ClassiCube Account Settings (https://www.classicube.net/acc) This effectively disables the account and scrambles your personal data. This is due to how usernames are used within the classic ecosystem as any given server would have no way of telling if the account has been deleted and possibly recreated by another person entirely.
  2. Or alternatively try using a modern system that isn’t running a 24 year old operating system
  3. Due to the certain risks imposed by trying to implement any type of survival gamemode; whether it be a client/server plugin or a feature built into the client itself, no one really has any interest in coding or modifying others plugins that try to resemble some sort of survival mode. Unfortunately you will most likely be on your own with this one.
  4. UmbreoClaw

    Yes or No

    That is up for servers to implement themselves, many things are possible with plugins if you know how to code. On the server Not Awesome 2 there is a rather similar game mode called "Gun Game" which is a FFA shooting game, while not exactly like CS its close
  5. UmbreoClaw


    Could you try clarifying what you mean? Do you mean making a Plants V.S. Zombies 1 Script in ClassiCube?
  6. Please read the forum guidelines before posting. Survival won’t, and never will be implemented. As for an easier server creation system, how could that be improved? What makes it complicated?
  7. What platform are you running on? Do you have any client logs or was there a crash message that showed?
  8. UmbreoClaw

    hi :3

    Provides a translation but doesn’t answer the question that was asked ☠️☠️☠️ Anyways, to answer: Puede solicitar un servidor en el sitio web que se indica a continuación, pero tenga en cuenta que las respuestas pueden tardar un poco en obtenerse. https://eddyn.net/projects/games en inglés: You can request a server at the website provided below but note that responses may take a while in order to obtain one
  9. Minecraft Classic no tiene esa característica en el juego por lo tanto agacharse no se añadirá, lo siento por las molestias. (Minecraft Classic doesn’t have that feature in game therefore crouching won’t be added, sorry for the inconvenience.)
  10. UmbreoClaw

    hi :3

    Desgraciadamente, el apoyo lingüístico en español es muy limitado, ya que no contamos con el personal adecuado para comunicarnos correctamente con las personas que no hablan inglés. Lo mejor es que utilices un traductor para traducir lo que dices, de modo que los demás entiendan en qué quieres que te ayuden. Muchas gracias por tu colaboración. Unfortunately language support for Spanish is extremely limited as we do not have proper staff to properly communicate with non English speakers. It is best if you use a translator to translate what you’re saying so that others understand what you’re trying to get help with! Thank you so much for your cooperation!
  11. Were you trying to join a certain map on the server, or was this when you tried joining the server via the server list?
  12. If you are using the MCGalaxy Server Software, there’s a useful command that allows you to resize levels to your liking. “/resizelvl MapName X Y Z confirm” X, Y, and Z being Length Height and Width respectively. To determine what your current map size is you should use /mapinfo to be on the cautious side. Happy resizing!
  13. May you please rephrase what you are trying to say, I can't quite understand it is that you said
  14. Hey, so if you want your account deleted I suggest you follow the steps as posted above! What happens outside of here is not in our control. Have a Happy ClassiCubing!
  15. Due to the nature of how ClassiCube accounts work, they cannot be ‘deleted’ in the traditional sense. Your best bet is to go to the ClassiCube account page (https://www.classicube.net/acc) and scramble the email and password fields by inputting random strings of letters and numbers. Thus making your account unusable by even yourself. I hope this helps!
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