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icanttellyou last won the day on February 17

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  1. icanttellyou


    For one the implementation for such a plugin would require a lot of effort, additionally typical server software are not designed to withstand a lot of traffic, and are geared towards using TCP and not UDP, which is what a lot of popular voice chat clients or mods use. Which means a lot of reworking of server software and client code would be required for it to function properly... Also ClassiCube does not have server-side sounds what so ever.
  2. The official builds can run on most Linux distros that use GNU libc, including Arch based distros, additionally ClassiCube is designed to be portable (in both senses) so it's not necessary to install a package for ClassiCube.
  3. Why make another thread? You could have replied to your original thread with more screenshots instead of making another one.
  4. Some ISPs have it so you cannot connect to your own IP address. Seeing as the HTTPS proxy works proves you can receive connections. In addition if you had not properly port forwarded you would have seen a warning stating that the port is closed.
  5. /map [map name] deletable and /map [map name] buildable if you want to also make it so players can't place blocks
  6. What are you even talking about? It says at the top of the post that this guide is out of date and you should read the new instructions right on the BetaCraft website
  7. All they know is your username and IP.
  8. If on PC, don't maximize the window and simply move it towards the right. Anything else and you're not able to easily, so best might be to play on a PC.
  9. Would you look at the time. *nothing*
  10. Whack. Must be a bug in the macOS platform implementation and not something else.
  11. Intel or Apple Silicon? Also plugins don't do anything in the launcher
  12. You don't. Unless your reverse proxy service has a proxy it won't be listed on the server list.
  13. Install updates and make sure TLS 1.2 is enabled.
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