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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    If doom can run on a pregnency test then can it run on a fridge with a screen.
  2. 1 point
    It's not as if I even play ClassiCube this much, Anyways, I quit.
  3. 1 point
    see you next week!
  4. 1 point
    OUTDATED! BetaCraft V1 heartbeat has been nonfunctional for a long while and will be sunset on October 1st 2024. You can view the new instructions for setting up the heartbeat here. You however still have to configure the auth service for ClassiCube to avoid username conflicts. This tutorial shows you how to set up a server running MCGalaxy to allow players to connect from BetaCraft, or other services. Step 1. Open up server.properties inside the properties folder, and under "Other settings" you should find a variable called "HeartbeatURL". Step 2. Change HeartbeatURL to http://www.classicube.net/heartbeat.jsp,https://betacraft.uk/heartbeat.jsp After doing that, the following area should look like this. Step 3. Save the file, and do /server reload to generate the necessary configuration. Step 4 (MCGalaxy Open up authservices.properties inside the properties folder, and look for a line that says URL = http://www.classicube.net/heartbeat.jsp Under it change name-suffix = to name-suffix = + And under URL = https://betacraft.uk/heartbeat.jsp change skin-prefix = to skin-prefix = https://minotar.net/skin/ (MCGalaxy along side changing mojang-auth = false to mojang-auth = true The file should now look like this. Doing these changes allows the server to know and properly store player info for each player on each authentication service, and allows ClassiCube players to see Minecraft player skins. Step 5. Save the file and do /server reload, and wait for a while. Step 6. Check both of the server lists if your server is listed. Step 7. Join the server using the same username on both BetaCraft and ClassiCube to see if everything works.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Why don't you ai-generate some updates for the game
  7. 1 point
    Hopefully Classicube isnt AI generated
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    pretend that this reply is me giving you attention for leaving
  10. 1 point
    Update 2.5 New Metal's Polish Sheen update What??? what is the meaning of this? Hotfixes The Gold & Iron blocks has got a total overhaul with newly improved and original side textures made from hand. Touched up crate texture lines around the wood part details. Touched up line shading details for the sapling sprite. Fixed overlooked incorrect stray pixel areas on the sand texture. Alternate Textures hotfix Added two new optional tweaks for cobblestone that one focuses on being more accurate to the original block texture and the other being an alternative take on the cobblestone block from the Better Than Adventure Faithful 32x port by PedroThePanda64 on discord Added new foliage options for the grass and leaves textures with dark green foliage and new seasonal options with the leaves being split from original and new blood seasonal colours. Added new "thin border" variants for the new Gold and Iron textures. New stylistic options for placeholder/missing textures that can be switched with either the iconic checkered missing texture to the orange valve developer placeholder panel textures. Fixed forgotten tweaking to the Carlotta 4th version that was left unfinished in the original release. Long time no see eh? it's been quite long since I made my last update on here and aside from alternate textures, I recon it would be the final proper update I would do for the main texture pack as the whole entire thing in my eyes is fully completed and done to my liking and won't be getting into any updates at any time soon, aside from the alternate textures that I won't really promise on when it would be updated, but it's certianly still planned that I'm going to atleast add more optional textures to customize Royalty with. I certianly have enjoyed working on this texture pack project over the times that went by since September 2021 which makes the project 2 years old now, technically lol, what started out as a funsized little project turned into a massive, also funsized passion project that made me improve and learn on making faithful 32x styled textures and be skilled on "the craft". As of writing this I'm feeling like I would drop dead right now with how lightheaded and droopy I am and that I've fully exhausted myself with IRL stuff going on lately and getting these silly textures done, I mean it's not really an inconvience to me as I find it theraputic editing and modifying textures like these. But anyway, for now I honestly have no idea on how to finish this thread off at all other than that I'm thankful for people sticking around (sort-of) with me making this texture pack and It does mean a whole ton to me haha - Zoey, zoeybarz.
  11. -1 points
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