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BRNBot3 last won the day on January 8

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  1. It's called No Textures because it's the texture pack that appears when you can't download either of the two initial textures (classicube.zip/default.zip) not because it doesn't use any texture.
  2. i also hate "no comments, let me fix that" you aint fixing anything timmy
  3. "dont read my profile picture" "VIDEO OF *youtuber* DOING *something awful* *link*" (also has mr beast profile pic)
  4. Also 1. Repeats something that had already been said in the video and adds a "💀" 2. Only ___ can like this comment 👇
  5. the subject called andrewph is not real, the joke is not funny and it has been used for the past 10 years, andrewph is not real, please stop.
  6. yes, they dont affect the launcher, the launcher is that one where you select the servers you wanna play and stuff, the plugins work when you start playing a world/server
  7. You use blockbench for it and you dont make them cube by cube because you can stretch/resize a single cube
  8. no, you cant run the original 0.30 because j2me is a different type of java. "Java Platform, Micro Edition or Java ME is a computing platform for development and deployment of portable code for embedded and mobile devices (micro-controllers, sensors, gateways, mobile phones, personal digital assistants, TV set-top boxes, printers). Java ME was formerly known as Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition or J2ME."
  9. classicube 3ds currently has no support for plugins, if it had you could use them in singleplayer (unless you're talking about mcgalaxy plugins)
  10. BRNBot3

    Es posible?

    (Translation: Hello, I have a question which is if in a solo world that is a singleplayer world it is possible to use plugins, for example I am thinking with a friend to make a series of classicube, but we wanted to put "mods" to simulate a classicube very similar to Minecraft, I would appreciate it very much if you answer me.) no, no puedes usar plugins de mcgalaxy en singleplayer.
  11. BRNBot3


    (Translation: Hello, what is the source code.zip of MCGalaxy for, because I want to make a server but I don't know how) El sourcecode o codigo fuente en español sirve para crear el archivo .exe de mcgalaxy (MCGalaxy.exe) pero no es para hacer servidores, para hacer servidores necesitas tener MCGalaxy y port-foward tu router, de alli no se que mas pasos. (Translation: The sourcecode is used to create the .exe file of mcgalaxy (MCGalaxy.exe) but it is not to make servers, to make servers you need to have MCGalaxy and port-foward your router, from there I don't know what other steps.)
  12. Even if you manage to get it running in 3DS, the 3DS version only supports 255 blocks at the moment, any block with a higher ID will become its fallback block
  13. the only method i know at the moment is going to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.classicube.android.client and delete the cache folder, then go to files/texturecache and delete all, that will fix the crashing issue when downloading texture packs (on android)
  14. in the standalone version you can select the order of the servers by clicking these
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