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Rainb0wSkeppy last won the day on November 20 2024

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  1. yes but you can use the defaults, they don't require creating any custom blocks
  2. a few weeks ago i made a plugin that generates the nether and one for the end you can get the nether plugin here and the end plugin here
  3. WARNING: the app's dev didint sign the exe with a certificate that you need to pay microsoft 1000000000$ to get
  4. wiki.vg was shut down, what will happen with cpe? will there be any more extensions? how would someone make a proposal for a cpe extension? (the mc classic protocol and cpe are still accessible on archive.org)
  5. the shape of a block must be a single cuboid in mcgalaxy: /[lb command] edit [block id] min [min coords] /[lb command] edit [block id] max [max coords] the command is /os lb if you're editing the blocks in your level, /lb if you're editing the blocks in the level but it's not yours or /gb if you're editing blocks for the whole server in singleplayer (in recent versions of cc): /blockedit [block id] min [min coords] /blockedit [block id] max [max coords] the min and max coords are 3 numbers from 0 to 16 for example to make a torch (assuming you set the textures correctly): /[lb command] edit [block id] min 7 0 7 /[lb command] edit [block id] max 9 10 9 to make a slab: /[lb command] edit [block id] min 0 0 0 /[lb command] edit [block id] max 16 8 16
  6. /physics 3 (please dont ban me for 1 word post)
  7. the problem was that i needed 4 vertices also i managed to get this
  8. im trying to draw something but its not working i checked that these functions are getting called void myscreen_render(void* elem, float delta) { struct f3_screen* s = elem; Gfx_SetVertexFormat(VERTEX_FORMAT_COLOURED); Gfx_BindDynamicVb(s -> vb); Gfx_DrawVb_IndexedTris(3); } void myscreen_build_mesh(void* elem) { struct f3_screen* s = elem; struct VertexColoured vb[3]; vb[0].x = 0.0f; vb[0].y = 0.0f; vb[0].z = 1.0f; vb[1].x = 1.0f; vb[1].y = 0.0f; vb[1].z = 1.0f; vb[2].x = 0.0f; vb[2].y = 1.0f; vb[2].z = 1.0f; vb[0].Col = PackedCol_Make(255, 0, 0, 255); vb[1].Col = PackedCol_Make(0, 255, 0, 255); vb[2].Col = PackedCol_Make(0, 0, 255, 255); Gfx_SetVertexFormat(VERTEX_FORMAT_COLOURED); Gfx_SetDynamicVbData(s -> vb, vb, 3); } void myscreen_on_context_lost(void* elem) { struct f3_screen* s = elem; Gfx_DeleteDynamicVb(&s -> vb); } void myscreen_on_context_recreated(void* elem) { struct f3_screen* s = elem; s -> vb = Gfx_CreateDynamicVb(VERTEX_FORMAT_COLOURED, 3); s -> maxVertices = 3; }
  9. hp laptop 15-da1xxx processor: intel(r) core(tm) i5-8265u cpu @ 1.60ghz (8 cpus), ~1.8ghz ram: 8gb graphics card: intel(r) uhd graphics 620 ssd: some 256gb ssd monitor: built in display 1920x1080
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