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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    To show you're dedicating most of your videos to this game, do it. There is no special youtuber or content-creator role.
  2. 1 point
    OUTDATED! BetaCraft V1 heartbeat has been nonfunctional for a long while and will be sunset on October 1st 2024. You can view the new instructions for setting up the heartbeat here. You however still have to configure the auth service for ClassiCube to avoid username conflicts. This tutorial shows you how to set up a server running MCGalaxy to allow players to connect from BetaCraft, or other services. Step 1. Open up server.properties inside the properties folder, and under "Other settings" you should find a variable called "HeartbeatURL". Step 2. Change HeartbeatURL to http://www.classicube.net/heartbeat.jsp,https://betacraft.uk/heartbeat.jsp After doing that, the following area should look like this. Step 3. Save the file, and do /server reload to generate the necessary configuration. Step 4 (MCGalaxy Open up authservices.properties inside the properties folder, and look for a line that says URL = http://www.classicube.net/heartbeat.jsp Under it change name-suffix = to name-suffix = + And under URL = https://betacraft.uk/heartbeat.jsp change skin-prefix = to skin-prefix = https://minotar.net/skin/ (MCGalaxy along side changing mojang-auth = false to mojang-auth = true The file should now look like this. Doing these changes allows the server to know and properly store player info for each player on each authentication service, and allows ClassiCube players to see Minecraft player skins. Step 5. Save the file and do /server reload, and wait for a while. Step 6. Check both of the server lists if your server is listed. Step 7. Join the server using the same username on both BetaCraft and ClassiCube to see if everything works.
  3. 1 point
    did u try to make my brownie recipe.
  4. 1 point
    This is still weak evidence. They only asked for "updates and improvements to enhance the player experience" but didn't clarify more on what exactly they're looking for. I personally think ClassiCube is at a point where it's well polished and it's difficult to "improve" it since servers can already fill in the blank by adding their own blocks, improving on or creating new gamemodes (see New Blood, LaserTaggedCTF, Puissant Royale, and the adventure maps in Not Awesome2). Also keep in mind that it's mostly one person, UnknownShadow, working on the game. I would say that's a lot of effort coming from only him. If this message is supposedly AI-generated, why should we care about what an AI thinks of ClassiCube? It wouldn't be able to speak for what Gogofbi actually wants to see (which is nothing as they've never elaborated more on this).
  5. 1 point
    Oh, the last one caught me off guard because I really did laugh when I saw it, no offence again.Just a question per chance, do you think this is a official account? And again I'm not saying this to like make a fool out of you or anything but Classicube has many of options and so many accounts I'm surprised u even thought of making the last point it just honestly made me a bit shocked. And yes there may have been changes every day but it doesn't really filler my point at the end of the day and Ill show am example if I can because I don't know if Classicube will allow the screenshot because some are bigger format than others and etc,But I will try my best thank you for pointing it out but again I'm just very shocked from this comment overall and it made me chuckle a bit so, thank you. I would fine more, but I just woke up and respectfully. Im not trying to do anything right now I hope you understand. When I have the energy I'll try to look for more don't worry. I know its AI gen and etc but the general message is still the same.
  6. 1 point
    Could you show some examples? I wasn't able to find much other than people believing they could ask for survival mode. Have a look at commit activities on the GitHub, https://github.com/ClassiCube/ClassiCube/commits/master/. There has been at least one change per day for a while.
  7. 1 point
    Again thank you, I understand that classicube has a community and it does have a lot of potential but that's all its really gonna be potential. And I'm saying this since u said it "it has potential" "has" its a stand alone and for years people have always said "it has potential" but now multiple even hundreds of forums are getting made asking for an update, seeking out other games/ websites because this game didn't fill anything to them anymore and I'm glad this website/game has a community that is loyal but sooner or later this game is gonna eventually die out of players or even staffs if it doesn't get worked on,but I do get that this game is going to have a community for a long time I know that but like I said this game has potential but there is a high chance its going to keep "having potential" and never work on meeting that potential. But as I have said before thank you but even with multiple possibilities u have to understand its been years of "possibilies" and its never been met up.
  8. 1 point
    Classicube is actually a recreation of Minecraft classic itself, not an off brand Minecraft, you can blame older Minecraft for being so devoid of features if you so please, but classicubes goal is to recreate the classic experience for all, in a more optimized fashion with enhancements
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 0 points
    2 eggs + water – Michelle uses a bit of water with the eggs to achieve the moist, gooey texture of boxed mix brownies without any commercial emulsifiers. And because this recipe doesn’t contain any baking powder, eggs are essential for helping the brownies puff up in the oven. Powdered sugar – The trick to making homemade brownies that are just like ones from a box! Powdered sugar contains cornstarch, which helps thicken the batter without the chemical additives you’d find in a mix. Unsweetened cocoa powder – Michelle recommends using Hershey’s Special Dark Dutch-processed cocoa powder (I used Whole Foods’ 365 Cocoa Powder). Make sure to sift it if it’s lumpy! Oil – While many recipes for brownies use unsalted butter, Michelle’s calls for canola oil, just like the boxed mix. I use olive oil because it’s what I keep on hand, and I love the rich flavor. Vanilla Extract – 1/2 teaspoon vanilla really amps up the chocolate flavor. First, mix together the dry and wet ingredients in two separate bowls. Combine the sugar, flour, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, chocolate chips, and salt in a medium bowl. Then, whisk together the eggs, olive oil, and water in a large one. Next, combine the wet and dry ingredients. Sprinkle the dry mixture over the wet one, and fold until just combined. The batter will be thick! Then, pour the batter into an 8×8 inch baking pan lined with parchment paper. Use a rubber spatula to spread it to all four sides of the pan and to smooth the top. The mixture will be very thick. Finally, bake! Transfer the pan to a 325-degree oven and bake for 40 to 45 minutes, until a toothpick inserted comes out with a few crumbs attached. Allow the brownies to cool completely before slicing and serving. Enjoy! (sorry if this counts as spam)
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