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RainZhang last won the day on March 26

RainZhang had the most liked content!

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  1. Yeah, me too. I was wondering about that. Maybe he's pretending he sees Herobrine? Maybe it's the tree.
  2. 7/10. It's a little sparse, and the fog should be a little foggier. Maybe add decor? Plus on the right the terrain looks unnatural.
  3. Then why did you make it? And English please.
  4. Can you quote me in what I originally said, instead of translating it? Thanks.
  5. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to promote yourself. Is this event so important that you can't just tell others in NA2?
  6. Well, I'm starting to get suspicious as you have NONE of your needed data to verify you.
  7. You can run it on Arch-based distros: 1: Download the Debian package from the website 2: Unpack it 3: Go into it and run it with ./ClassiCube Put this in your ~/.bashrc file for easy access: alias classicube='cd /path/to/ClassiCube && ./ClassiCube' Then do source ~/.bashrc Voila! Enter classicube in the terminal and you start up classicube!
  8. I like Ubuntu Cinnamon the most, but sometimes it can't work on lower end computers, so I use Manjaro XFCE for those. Linux Mint is great too.
  9. RainZhang


    I agree. There should be a more user-friendly alternative to CEF for the less technical players.
  10. You can create a spinning model and set the bot to that model using /model bot [model name]. Hope this helps!
  11. Yeah, that's nice I guess.
  12. Classicube is awesome! Would definitely pick it over Minecraft 100%!
  13. Actually I'm on a school Chromebook too. Just reinstall the OS.
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