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Everything posted by BengalEmpire767

  1. I downloaded the plugin, exported to obj, and imported as wavefront to blender... well, you can see what happened for yourself. Now, I have no idea how Blender works, but I thought someone here probably knows what to do. I really want my builds to look as cool as the ones in the screenshot (and probably learn some Blender stuff while I'm at it, but that's for later). So, uh, how do you get your world to render properly in Blender (asking as someone who doesnt know a thing about Blender)?
  2. Pretty self-explanatory. It's kind of distracting to see a window open all the time, is there any way to run it in the background?
  3. Thanks for that. Works. Unfortunately I used my own username on the first login and set password but I can fix that myself.
  4. Good to know someone actually thought about this. Sounds like too much work tho. (Makes sense considering that Minecraft and Classicube are written on two different programming languages).
  5. I don't want it. I'm just tinkering with the MCGalaxy locally, and this appears. Any way to get rid of it? New Bitmap Image (4).bmp
  6. ...Are you sure this is singleplayer? There's a steve with no eyes in the fog... (Just let me have this moment, I know about Herobrine).
  7. Someone should make a plugin adding isometric screenshots.
  8. This is cool. Now I can go textureless anytime!
  9. Port multiplayer to MS-DOS. It will probably be hard, but at least all the FreeDOS users will be able to play Lava Survival.
  10. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Sonic The Hedgehog (for the Master System / Game Gear, you will need an emulator) Angry Birds Star Wars Good old lava survival (a classicube server, but still) SkiFree Minesweeper HOVER! (it is on the Windows 95 setup cd) Solitaire (if you know how to play) hug sad bunnies (it is on codepen) train ride (original is down, this is a remix: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/890058378) those are the only ones i can remember from the top of my head. sorry.
  11. Not mine, thank Spydeez. He did everything in half a round of lava survival.
  12. This is a bit of context, please forgive my english. So, me and spydeez were playing lava survival, and spydeez made this cool base (in about 2 minutes, if I do believe). I thought it was cool, so I saved the level before the round ended. I wanted to send the level file to Spydeez, so I thought of making a forum post so that he could download it from there. Turns out he had Discord, so that was that. However, he still gave me permission to make a forum post about it, so here I am. It's a bit small, but I think it looks nice, please don't judge too much. Also, I don't have MCEdit, so this is the original (.cw) file. As in, dont break random walls, otherwise lava will flood the build. Lava mood was "Disturbed" in that round, hence the three block walls. This is also technically a snapshot of the exact moment spydeez stopped building, so that's that. I don't remember what map we were on, didn't have time to check afterwards. Also wasn't able to take any good screenshots (or, more accurately, fit them in this post, 299k limit after all). Hopefully I will be able to take some good ones and attach them later on. Again, please don't judge too much. The round was like five minutes, so this was made in quite a short amount of time. Hope you like it! spydeez base.cw
  13. cool build. hopefully there will be more like this.
  14. Custom PC: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4160T CPU @ 3.10GHz RAM: 12.0 GB Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400 Monitor: 1920 x 1080 x 60 hertz USB Mouse, Keyboard, etc. etc. Two Hard Drives (1TB & 300GB) OS: Windows 10 Home Computer is quite old, has been upgraded recently, though it still looks like it's held together with hopes and dreams.
  15. Hey it looks cool. Keep up the good work. Took a screenshot. Unfortunately, I had to butcher my image to fit it here, anyway here is an Imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/PQeI6Sb
  16. There is no sun, so I don't know how it would work. …Though, it would be cool to have realistic lighting. It would look weird once you reach the edge of the map, but maybe as a mod. …maybe. I don't know code though, so I guess I can't complain. Resource issues doesn't sound like something as simple as a bug fix.
  17. Oh no, it's a blank-eyed steve, whatever will I do (I actually can't see him, where on earth is he, outside the map?)
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