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Goodly last won the day on February 16

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  1. Only plugins that were created for the ClassiCube client (e.g. NOT MCgalaxy plugins) can work if placed in the plugins folder. You can find some here: https://github.com/ClassiCube/ClassiCube-Plugins
  2. It's not possible to do this. An alternative could potentially be to type: /bind [block] train to make every [block] placed become a train. However, it's only for the player who types it, and it resets when they log out.
  3. It's a somewhat complicated process but the basic step you're missing is adding a material to the object that uses the terrain.png texture that the map uses. Better help can probably be found from googling "Blender add material and texture", I haven't done it in a while. Ideally, you also use a node shader in order to get correct transparency and to skip rendering the backside of things like plants (so they match CC rendering). Something like this:
  4. You will need to go to this page https://github.com/ClassiCube/ClassiCube-Plugins/tree/master/ObjExporter/bin Then click the given DLL for your system and hit the download file button
  5. Make sure you're placing the blocks at y = 0 (the very bottom of the world) There's really no reason to make the level that tall
  6. Try orderblocks plugin: https://github.com/NotAwesome2/Plugins#orderblockscs
  7. Change the property of "admin-verification" to false in properties/server.properties or in the "Security tab" of settings if you are using the GUI
  8. in around 5 hours when 123dmwm the host gets off work
  9. You're moving the goalposts. You said at first that there were no servers that function as anarchy. Now you're saying they have no players, which is often true, but is a completely different thing. If you want a server to not be dead, you've gotta be the one to hang out there a bit. People will often join if there's 1 player or more At least 3 of these servers have no rules and aren't like basic freebuild servers at all. I think you're just being a bit lazy and not checking them
  10. If the server is no longer there, it's down. It crashed
  11. For each of these servers, explain why they don't function as anarchy
  12. Once the plugin is installed, the new world gen types should show up as themes in the command /help newlvl themes Check this page for more info about creating levels: https://github.com/ClassiCube/MCGalaxy/wiki/Creating-levels This plugin seems to have a really complicated way to input arguments. Basically you need to specify custom arguments in json format using the "seed" argument of the /newlvl command. For instance: /newlvl myworld 128 128 128 indevadventure {"type": "Floating", "theme": "Desert", "structure": "Fort"} Check /help newlvl indevadventure for more info
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