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Glod Menbie
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TomCube2 last won the day on February 14

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About TomCube2

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
  2. Don't check the file update time; store the value of `latest_ts` in a file (I'd recommend an entry in `options.txt` Actually, don't put it in `options.txt`. I saw that you have JSON files, so it'd probably be better to use those) so you can compare it when you update
  3. I'm on mobile so I can't test it atm, but this looks like a really cool project! A few things that I think you can improve (this is only from looking at the code, so I may not get the full picture): Move initialization logic (creating directories, etc.) into separate function instead of in the file scope Instead of downloading CC every time the program is opened, check for updates using builds.json; as update logic gets more complex, move updating to separate class Detect OS using `os.name`/`sys.platform`/`platform.system()` (see here) + `is_64bit = sys.maxsize > 2**32` to download the correct binary Line 21-22: Change `finally: "Do nothing"` to `except: pass`; `finally` does nothing to stop errors because there's nothing to catch them; `pass` is a better way to say `"do nothing"`
  4. If you minimize the window it'll contain itself to the system tray and remove itself from the taskbar
  5. `IsometricDrawer_Render` could be used with a `count` of 1
  6. If it were CC_API, I'd suggest `IsometricDrawer.c/h`, but it sadly isn't
  7. TomCube2


    Not very well. I used the wrong tense there 😕 (I meant vi, not vía)
  8. TomCube2


    Ah, lo vía. Es muy bien
  9. TomCube2


    No sé ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. TomCube2


    Sí, pero eso será muy fácil con la práctica
  11. TomCube2


    There's not really an easy way like Scratch, so I'd recommend learning C.
  12. TomCube2


    Unfortunately, no
  13. TomCube2


    Documentation for making client plugins can be found here: https://github.com/ClassiCube/ClassiCube/blob/master/doc/plugin-dev.md
  14. The skin server is defined in options.txt iirc
  15. TomCube2


    Use the online version. Singleplayer: https://www.classicube.net/server/play/ Multiplayer (login required): https://www.classicube.net/server/list/
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