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Everything posted by icanttellyou

  1. Don't use the GUI, use the command line executable from the terminal.
  2. I think you can implement that as a plugin for MCGalaxy
  3. I don't nesecarily think Rocky Linux is RHEL based after the whole thing to do with making source code to RHEL paid. It's more or so RHEL compatible, not RHEL based.
  4. ClassiCube can already load client .mine and server .dat worlds. To convert simply load the map and save it again as a .cw
  5. It's not, as it's impossible to have a server listed on the server list with a custom IP provided by reverse proxy services like ngrok and playit. You're better off using a server host like eddynet or MCCH
  6. A while ago I have made a spleef plugin, here it is. https://github.com/forkiesassds/MCGalaxy-Stuff/raw/master/spleef.cs , simply right click, click on save as and save it and move to your plugins folder and compile. It should work with the latest version of MCGalaxy.
  7. More models is a client side plugin, and also ClassicalSharp is dead. If you want custom player models you use the custom models plugin
  8. Try recompiling the plugin since from what I'm seeing it shouldn't cause issues
  9. Do you have a link to the source code of the broken plugin? If so I could look into what breaks it with TEN_BIT_BLOCKS
  10. NameOfGamemode is unnecessary as it's a example plugin for RoundsGame I think. Try recompiling all of your plugins and restartingn the server to see if that fixes the issue
  11. Since I've only played Quake 1 I'm more biased towards it, oh yea also due to the fact it lead to GoldSrc and Half Life 1
  12. Well the texture pack was made by Goodly specifically for 2d2t, and it's what is the base for CustomOpenBlocks, well excluding some 2d2t specific blocks and using web client textures as a base instead of 0.30 textures
  13. Wait what? But why did it shut down?
  14. The asset servers require TLS 1.2, try enabling TLS 1.2 in Internet Options somewhere in control panel. I'm not really able to guide you how to do so since I haven't used Windows 7 in ages.
  15. Maybe for the paletted bulk block update it should have a byte for how many bits should a block id have, the number should be log_2(count) and be the nearest multiple of 2, or 1. And thus instead of storing let's say 128 bytes for 4 bits per each block of indices it instead stores 32 bytes if it's only a single block in the palette.
  16. Bad idea, this requires you to turn off authentication, and the way you should be doing is copying the found URL and telling people to paste it into this box. Then they can simply click Connect.
  17. Could be caused due to slowdowns on your phone caused by planned obsolescence Android updates, malware or other shenanigans happening on your phone.
  18. That's because they put the server up before the script kiddies ruined the server list, and due to that they froze the server list. You'll either have to wait until it unfreezes or until Betacraft V2 is out.
  19. There's negative time? Wow! I learn something new today!
  20. what alert? i didn't hear any loud noises. i was only chilling at my home, and nothing happened.
  21. It infringed on Mojang's copyright and intellectual property? Didn't it?
  22. And yet you don't realize that they put up the whole Minecraft 1.5.2 source code up on GitHub, deobfuscated using MCP mappings, which in turns means it is violating 2 copyrighted pieces of work
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