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Report for Underage User

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I apologise if this is not the correct place to post this. I am banned on the ClassiCube Discord for reasons and cannot contact anyone that way.

The user LocoMosquito+ admitted his age as 12 years old on New The30s. He also used racial slurs several times and proceeded to post my IP along with the associated information for my location. I know all of that stuff may be public, but it is nonetheless uncivil behaviour. Attached is the evidence, which can also be found on the Discord server.

It may also be a good idea to find the email associated with the account and trace any other alternate accounts. Thank you.



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After verifying your claim through your Discord server logs, LocoMosquito and their alts have been disabled. In the future, please directly message myself or one of the other staff members on this site or via Discord when making a report. If you're banned from the ClassiCube Discord server, you can directly message myself (probboy) or 123DMWM (123dmwm) through a Message Request. 

Thanks again for your report!

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