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Duplicate player

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Today i was playing a Minecraft Classic (Not classicube) server, then I realized everyone except me were using classicube. I was very confused seeing non-operator people flying aroud like if it was nothing and since i was on minecraft, I couldnt fly. Then I realized they were using Classicube and I asked myself: "How did they join on Classicube?" Then icanttellyou told me that the same server is also on Classicube's server list. I was more confused on how they could send heartbeat to two separate places. Another player told me the server had a "Dual heartbeat", then an idea got into my head. Since my minecraft account and classicube account have separate names i joined on both minecraft and classicube  to the same server and I went nuts.Duplicates.png.0def5877510d566253f940008453bfb8.png

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I honestly don't see the point in playing mc classic when you can just use the original classic textures on a cc map and play it on cc to give an experience that's basically just as authentic, and will run faster bc it's written in C instead of Java

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So, if you didn't know what server was the one I got dupliacted. Its Classicalnuts you can find in on Classicube server list and also Betacraft server list

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