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A new ClassiToon texture pack version available!

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+Added spider texture

+Removed unused textures and 12 lb slots

+Changed the textures for glass, ice, and snow

+Added clouds, particles, and snowflake textures

+Added animation frames of fire image

+Added particles

And the final updates are:

+Replaced the green face texture with a no copy texture and added a info.txt file

The new terrain.png

And the link is available now!: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p72opa08nz4tzk2/classi2n.zip?dl=0


I forgot to mention I moved the signature to the left corner.

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But, why would you ever remove the lb slots? If someone wants to use your texture pack in a server that has lbs, then they're going to be sorely disappointed when their custom blocks that look right in one texture pack say "STE" and "BRI" in yours, plus the "no copy" texture is quite literally incomprehensible, although its somewhat understandable now that you've given context (but only in that situation)

Quite honestly, it just seems ignorant, and i wouldn't use this pack.
(also did you *really* have to make a new thread?)

Last minute edit: Aren't some of these textures traced, anyways? The ores are straight from the default classic texturepack, the bookshelf is the exact same (alongside the grass top), and the stone texture is just two lines drawn on a grey square.

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10 minutes ago, masoncb said:

But, why would you ever remove the lb slots? If someone wants to use your texture pack in a server that has lbs, then they're going to be sorely disappointed when their custom blocks that look right in one texture pack say "STE" and "BRI" in yours, plus the "no copy" texture is quite literally incomprehensible, although its somewhat understandable now that you've given context (but only in that situation)

Quite honestly, it just seems ignorant, and i wouldn't use this pack.
(also did you *really* have to make a new thread?)

Last minute edit: Aren't some of these textures traced, anyways? The ores are straight from the default classic texturepack, the bookshelf is the exact same (alongside the grass top), and the stone texture is just two lines drawn on a grey square.

People can always make lb textures, it's that they filled up the bottom with nonsense instead of leaving it empty...

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4 hours ago, masoncb said:

But, why would you ever remove the lb slots? If someone wants to use your texture pack in a server that has lbs, then they're going to be sorely disappointed when their custom blocks that look right in one texture pack say "STE" and "BRI" in yours, plus the "no copy" texture is quite literally incomprehensible, although its somewhat understandable now that you've given context (but only in that situation)

Quite honestly, it just seems ignorant, and i wouldn't use this pack.
(also did you *really* have to make a new thread?)

Last minute edit: Aren't some of these textures traced, anyways? The ores are straight from the default classic texturepack, the bookshelf is the exact same (alongside the grass top), and the stone texture is just two lines drawn on a grey square.

If you wanna make a server-friendly version, then do it yourself.

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