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RB3 ClassiCube Mode beta some few months later

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My original thread:

So it seems like, after some months after, the mode got removed altogether. It seems like Harmonix was close to finishing the ClassiCube mode beta, but they shut it down right before. All I get is an error with "Couldn't connect to servers" and that's it. No error code or anything.
The dudes over at MiloHax have now based RB3 Deluxe off the version with the ClassiCube mode, but it seems like they've taken out the mode altogether. I have tried contacting jnack and the MiloHax/RB3DX team about their removal of this mode, but all I got was a "I'm pretty sure this mode doesn't exist. Are you crazy or what?" response.

I'm honestly stumped. Why would they remove such a mode from the game, when I know damn well they had intentions for adding in this mode in the first place. Now, I'm questioning if they even added in this mode in the first place. Did Harmonix have anything to do with it? Somebody at Harmonix adding in this mode without the knowledge of the other members (at first)?

I don't know. It just seems weird and confusing.

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 i think my brain has died reading this, I don't understand anything..

...Or my brain may have been into the classicube void realm, who knows.

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1 minute ago, Desaxu said:

 i think my brain has died reading this, I don't understand anything..

...Or my brain may have been into the classicube void realm, who knows.

it's only like 10 sentences you should be fiiiiine there's nothing to worry about

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