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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2025 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    "Spam intensifies" Last rainbown skeppy words before my phone heat at 0.2 fps Btw it was really good. Sorry for off-topi. Good plugin.
  2. 1 point
    i also hate "no comments, let me fix that" you aint fixing anything timmy
  3. -1 points
    That's because they put the server up before the script kiddies ruined the server list, and due to that they froze the server list. You'll either have to wait until it unfreezes or until Betacraft V2 is out.
  4. -1 points
    The V1 server list is static. I will have to write a new guide once the V2 server list API has been finalized alongside the release of MCGalaxy
  5. -1 points
    OUTDATED! BetaCraft V1 heartbeat has been nonfunctional for a long while and will be sunset on October 1st 2024. You can view the new instructions for setting up the heartbeat here. You however still have to configure the auth service for ClassiCube to avoid username conflicts. This tutorial shows you how to set up a server running MCGalaxy to allow players to connect from BetaCraft, or other services. Step 1. Open up server.properties inside the properties folder, and under "Other settings" you should find a variable called "HeartbeatURL". Step 2. Change HeartbeatURL to http://www.classicube.net/heartbeat.jsp,https://betacraft.uk/heartbeat.jsp After doing that, the following area should look like this. Step 3. Save the file, and do /server reload to generate the necessary configuration. Step 4 (MCGalaxy Open up authservices.properties inside the properties folder, and look for a line that says URL = http://www.classicube.net/heartbeat.jsp Under it change name-suffix = to name-suffix = + And under URL = https://betacraft.uk/heartbeat.jsp change skin-prefix = to skin-prefix = https://minotar.net/skin/ (MCGalaxy along side changing mojang-auth = false to mojang-auth = true The file should now look like this. Doing these changes allows the server to know and properly store player info for each player on each authentication service, and allows ClassiCube players to see Minecraft player skins. Step 5. Save the file and do /server reload, and wait for a while. Step 6. Check both of the server lists if your server is listed. Step 7. Join the server using the same username on both BetaCraft and ClassiCube to see if everything works.
  6. -1 points
    What are you even talking about? It says at the top of the post that this guide is out of date and you should read the new instructions right on the BetaCraft website
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