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Arch-based versions (& others maybe too)

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hi all, i'm new to posting here

i've noticed there's only Classicube on the AUR packages, and on some distros (like Artix) it's essentially completely unable to download, at least from Pamac.
on the official download page for Linux distros, it only really says how to do so for Ubutnu/Ubuntu-based systems, but nothing else.
on Manjaro it installs, but as far as i've tried it only installs via the bin ver, the git and normal AUR packages don't/fail to install.

while it does have direct downloads to a '.tar.gz' file for both 32-bit and 64-bit vers, it's not really the same as properly downloading it, at least easily.

also, hopefully other packages for other distro-based distros would be nice too, but for now i thought Arch-based distros would probably benefit, especially cnsidering even SteamOS is Arch-based AFAIK

Edited by furretinaforest
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The official builds can run on most Linux distros that use GNU libc, including Arch based distros, additionally ClassiCube is designed to be portable (in both senses) so it's not necessary to install a package for ClassiCube.

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You can run it on Arch-based distros:

1: Download the Debian package from the website

2: Unpack it

3: Go into it and run it with ./ClassiCube

Put this in your ~/.bashrc file for easy access:

alias classicube='cd /path/to/ClassiCube && ./ClassiCube'

Then do

source ~/.bashrc

Voila! Enter classicube in the terminal and you start up classicube!

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I'm pretty sure appimages are universal and work on any distro as long as you have fuse installed (and in ClassiCube's case curl and OpenAL also need to be installed)

I also found out the hard way that you need an X11 desktop environment to run appimages, so if you're using wayland as your desktop environment, you'll need to install xwayland in order to even open appimages

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