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Classicube Vanilla 1.20 Texture Pack

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Welcome! This is my first time doing this then... We're just going to...

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/558s2wzta5wrj3xmquyqu/Default_1.20.zip?rlkey=i604rojzpimojpauq2e3xds8u&dl=0

Yes, this is a "1.20" texture to put and play in Singleplayer, this version of the texture is not configured for servers.

And please consider giving me some credit that the files of animations sooo... (@BRNBot3 on youtube)

Here is a photo of Terrain.png (I do not recommend using no animations.png -  animations.txt


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brn?!? i thought u were only a normal guy that makes something for the server u made!!1!

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