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How to get Discord Rich Presence for ClassiCube [Unofficial]

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Have you ever wanted to get Discord Rich presence for ClassiCube? Well say no more! A fellow user has created an amazing plugin that's going to make it possible.



- a working internet connection (duh)

- something like WinRAR, 7zip or whatever your OS comes with

- a discord account and a classicube client

- basic knowledge of how to navigate through your OS and the github website


step one

Find the plugin download for your OS here!


If you can't be bothered to open the page, just click one of the following options to download it for your system:

Linux, 64-bit

Windows, 32-bit

Windows, 64-bit

to see if your system is 32-bit or 64-bit, do /client gpu in ClassiCube

step two

Once the file has finished downloading, open it and drag its contents into your ClassiCube folder. If you get a prompt saying that the folder 'plugins' already exists, just click on the merge option.



step three

Open Discord, hold down Ctrl and press , (the comma key). The settings should open. Navigate to "Game Activity" on the left side and click it. Make sure that the following switch is turned on.


Once you're sure it's on, press Escape and move on to the next step


step four

Launch the game and join a server! If everything went well, then you should be able to join any server and have it show up in your status. If so, then congratulations, you've completed the tutorial and you now have Discord Rich Presence for ClassiCube servers! ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.emojiterra.com%2Fgoogle%2Fandroid-pie%2F512px%2F1f389.png&f=1&nofb=1


Here's how it should look like:




This is my first tutorial, so please don't be too harsh. I hope I explained everything well, and I hope that at least one person learned something from it. If that's the case, then I'd be glad for helping out. Have a nice day! 🙂

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