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  1. Ok so my story starts off when I join around 6:00 PM 10/19/2024. After accidently clicking F (causing the fog to become very thick) i decide to make a creepy tunnel under a mountain (like herobrine). The tunnel system is huge, with it branching off a LOT. About 30 mins later, I go AFK for LITERALLY 15 SECONDS to get some water. when I come back, I notice that I have been blocked off in my tunnel. The only person on the server is AFK and far away. i understandably FREAK OUT. I RUN, going down this tunnel and that tunnel, until I end up back at my house (where the tunnel starts at). After this, I notice something, a nametag in the tunnel. but... this doesn't make sense. I just noticed this JUST AFTER i left, meaning the person would need to go by me to get into said tunnel. but, i didnt see them walking by. I Decided to see where they were in the tunnel, but as I went into my basement to get into the tunnel, they... disappeared. I'm NOT KIDDING. Literally GONE. No chat message saying they left. i quickly sealed off said tunnel, and then my entire house eventually. i built a new one. After this, I thought i had solved the problem. Nothing weird happened for a long time. After this i noticed a brick pyramid someone made. I liked it, and since it was hollow and had a entrance, I decided to enter. after solving the simple maze inside, I stepped out. But then I heard it. A cave sound. Note that classicube doesnt HAVE cave sounds, as well as you can only get them IN A CAVE. I freaked out again. BTW, i wasn't sure whether i shoud put this in "I need help", as i was worried that I would get banned if the moderators thought it was fake. I SWEAR, it isnt, but the moderators might think otherwise.
  2. i was here https://youtu.be/24AxyWFYdUQ?feature=shared
  3. Erick64


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