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  1. I don't think so, but I think that it's good idea to add it.
  2. How? I got only link from MCGalaxy and I don't know if I should share it or not.
  3. Here is full screenshot
  4. So I created MCGalaxy server, clicked given link, but I can't join server.
  5. I maybe found new way to dowload Classicube on Nintendo Switch using flashcards such as SwitchIt and R4Switch, but I don't know if your Switch need to be modden and I don't know if you can use IT for homebrew such as Switch port of Classicube, beacuse on their videos* they only play offical games. * SwitchIt YouTube channel * R4Switch YouTube channel
  6. Currently client plugins have separate versions for seperate OSes and they aren't on all platforms, but I reccommed to make new client plugins format that will be same on all platforms that supports them. It will allow to add client plugins to more platforms. I think that PC clients should support both new and old client plugin format.
  7. Technically there are textures in this texture pack, they just have only 1 colour.
  8. Someone even replied "underrated comment" to ""__" is crazy" even if this was just part of video.
  9. Julmik

    No c

    Puedes usar los paquetes de texturas de Minecraft 1.0 en Classicube, pero algunas texturas de bloques están en lugares incorrectos, por lo que necesitarás cambiar algunas texturas usando el comando /blockedit. También puede presionar la tecla F10 para abrir la hoja de referencia de ID de textura. (Este texto ha sido traducido por Google, por lo que puede no ser 100% exacto)
  10. Try using web client instead if you can. It works on mobile as well.
  11. Maybe PinePhone and other Linux phones which can be just Linux client with mobile controls. It can be also published on https://linuxphoneapps.org/
  12. Julmik


    Here you can just talk.
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