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Question regarding “LocationJoin” plugin

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Is it correct that only the player who is currently joint is shown where he came from?

Or is it just my server doing something wrong again?

With the plugin, how do I, as the owner, see where the players come from on IRC?

I always have to type /location [player]  in game chat...


Plugin: LocationJoin.cs

from this package: github.com

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I've made little changes...

now it posts in chat and not only to the joined user.


1. renamed to "LocaJoinGlobal_mod.cs"

2. Lines 38,  53 & 60  -> "p.Message(..." replaced by "Chat.MessageFrom(p, ..."
for example line 60:

Chat.MessageFrom(p, "%a" + p.truename + " from %e" + country + " joined!");

3. /pcompile & /pload without errors and its working 😄


but i have a question more.

now its shown ingame only, not in IRC. what must i do to send this to the IRC Chat too?

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