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Everything posted by ThatGoateeZoey

  1. Tysm mason for asking these! (i sound like a company's average text support lol) The textures I made myself are credited in a large list inside 1credits.txt, I hope I didn't do something wrong with that as i credited the original creators of other textures too lol. It's origin was originally going to be a placeholder for one of the blocks, can't remember what one but, I left it in because of how hilariously funny it was to me. (probably for the unused brick textures i was going to slot it into idk) Oh the wool textures are tiled yeah, It's mimicing pre-1.14 faithful wool textures to give more of that thinner wool type feeling, as I'm going for a 1.12 faithful style to the texture pack. I guess it might be that i ripped the textures from a earlier faithful 32x pack or it's the proper 1.12 texture pack textures, I'll check it out later though. I do thank you once agian for dropping this reply in and raising some points! and I appreciate the compliment too - Z
  2. Another useless update huh? Changes: Server-Friendly version updated to have the new brick texture added. Link to the main texture pack now fixed. Sorry haha, I forgot about people having hyperlink probelms with the main texture pack version download. - Z
  3. Useless Brick Update: Changes: As the first line of this forum thread suggests, I touched up the red bricks, mostly to make it look more "refined" and better-ish? (by making each noisy brick texture's more accurate while retaining the idea with it using ""small"" snippets from the unused varied brick textures in terrain.png) was busy to post this here, tis all anyways I'm going to NA2. - Z (Edit: Wait was this even necessary to notify and post updates like these on the forums like a pest at all?)
  4. Did a rebrand of the texture pack, because mainly people keep getting confused with the name of the texture pack, so for now on this project is now called; Zoey's Classicful-32x I know nobody will care but just needed to mention it just to clear out future confusion. - Z (Oh hey It's gonna be the One year anniversary for this too!)
  5. Small Block Changes with Normal and "Server-Friendly" version update: Changes: Grass top and Gravel textures have been updated, Big shout outs and credits to Lassebq on discord for premission for the textures to be added! Important update for blocks, mostly because of the heavy improvement for the grass top texture, Enjoy! - Z
  6. Block changes and "Server friendly" version resurrected update: Changes: Mossy Cobblestone's moss colours have been fixed to match the original. Anonymous contributor updated the grass texture. Server version is finally updated to the latest new textures. Enjoy. - Z
  7. Sorry if this might be annoying but I tweaked the Modern/Purple GUI textures a little more so they're like the classic gui textures. I hope this will be final though 😕 Grab the new version with these before it gets even more colder. - Z
  8. Useless update? Change: Refined the Modern/Purple GUI to have it's lines more cleaner and looking nice. Before this change the textures for it looked rough and "play-dough" looking and less faithful with the lines so I did a slight revision, Is this update to the pack, useless and dumb to do? depending on your opinion on the matter if you dislike the old faithful modern/purple gui textures or not. Is it annoying how the bottom of the "selection grid" thing is sliced off? - Z
  9. Textures and Pack Revamp: Changes: Alternate pack and binlat.png is now removed because of how unessisary it is to be in, you can get the textures from the server pack though. Both the missing gurple gui (gui.png) and the particles (particles.png) is now upscaled and added into the texture pack. Magma block had a redesign agian to better mimic it's 16x counterpart. Ice has now got it's appearance from Goodly's NA2 HDredux texture pack, the choice is based on how the default ice texture is exactly originated from the NA2 packs, credits to him. Crates texture got few little tweaks. and afew more things I may have forgotten about. Credits have been updated Will I ever update the server pack to the new textures? maybe not but lets see in the far future though, enjoy - Z I forgot to add the new link for the new form of the texture pack, sorry about that! Also too I forgot to say, don't worry I managed to get premission from Goodly to add in the ice texture.
  10. Small-ish Update: Updated font for both the Server-friendly version and the classic normal and alternate versions with missing font changes and fixes. Updated the wood log top/bottom texture for Normal and Alternate Eh I'll do another update for the server-friendly version sometime this or next week if I have the time to update textures for accuracy, come to think about it with the alternate version too, I should make a pointless texture pack for to add in the classic.minecraft.net textures in for classicube so stay tuned for that. - Z also yeah, a follow--up too, the update list on the forum post will be removed to make it less cluttered and more tidy, easy to navigate too, no worries though I will still post updates for the texture packs but they aren't gonna be pasted into the main forum post, also adding alternate links for map makers for the normal and alternate textures. - Z
  11. Server Friendly version Revamp and Normal+Alternate pack changes Update: "Server-Friendly" Version changes: Updated most of the textures to the latest textures of the normal packs Fixed the missing pixels on the Nether portal animations Normal + Alternate version changes: Changed the Metal block textures so they don't look like JPEG images slapped on a block, notably the side textures. Changed the Leaves colour palette to be consistent with the default leaves Changed the details on the sapling texture for complex reasons I can't properly type. Changed the Sand and Gravel textures because fuck it I mainly came back here and updated this because of high demand flooding both discord and cc forum dms and me slowly realising more fixes to do here, along with a fix for the nether portal animation. - Z
  12. Grass-topping update (What do you mean It's not a good pizza topping?): Changes: Changed the Grass top texture with a new one along with the unused one The new texture isn't really mine, made by someone who wanted to contribute to the texture pack on the discord I'm on, they want to be unnamed due to "numerous personal reasons" on quote, yeah I know I'm supposed to be gone until the summer, didn't want to deny the guy.
  13. Oh I didn't see that, I'll sort out something though Textures Revamp Update: Changes: Removed the "debris" pixels off the ore textures. Changed the Stone texture to be accurate to the ores and Bedrock. Changed the Brick texture so it's texture is less flatter and more static-ish like it's 16x counterpart. Changed a small detail above the crate texture Replaced the Dandelion to it's old and fitting version Yeah sorry if i keep on updating this texture pack all the time, I'm maybe planning onto revamping the "Server Friendly" and fixing things including missing pixels and etc, but I'm not sure when I'll do that. - Z Edit: wait I didn't meant to merge this woops
  14. Yeah I know this is starting to get annoying but i slightly updated the texture pack agian with adding afew finishing touches to the fonts agian. enjoy the texture pack - Z
  15. Last Teeny-tinyish update: Changes: Overhauled the fonts (default.png) Changed the Brick texture so it's "shadows" off the bricks are more varied than repetitive Yeah I think I'm done updating this pack sorta, for now, in the meantime, hope you guys enjoy the texture pack! - Z
  16. Teeny Tiny Update (agian): Changes: Touched up the Crate texture's details a little I do apologize if any incidents or troubles are caused shortly after doing this update. - Z
  17. Teeeny-Tiny Update: Changes: Made some accuracy fixes to the horizon lava texture I know it's kinda useless to do this update but oh well. - Z
  18. (hope this doesn't merge) Small Update: Changes: Removed the alternate Wool zip files and replaced the old wool with the new "tile" like ones back into the normal versions of normal and alternate because they were too unnecessary. Changed the location of and updated credits.txt. Added a new texture for non-animated/horizon lava to fit well with the non-animated/horizon water. Tweaked the Brick and Sand textures a little to be more accurate. (also no, this is not a april fools meme, i know it's bad timing on my part to make this) - Z
  19. Thank you so much I appreciate it! ^_^ Yeah I see your point, I modifed the faithful font so it fits well with the default cc's font. Yeah I borrowed alot of the textures from the Faithful 1.12 release pack and the Classic Faithful texture pack ages back, it lists in the credits.txt what textures i made too and made sure to credit them too, Oh yeah I tried to make a texture for the top grass one time to match with the grass side textures but all of the attempts were rough or pretty shit, i do see your point though and i'll try sorting it out sometime, the Bricks however are in a rough shape right now at the moment. Also thank you for noticing the Rose and Dandelion inaccuracies, I've fixed it in the new version I've released (which im gonna release the patch notes for in a second). It's great to see you though and I do appreciate this post ^3^ - Z -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Bonus update (For the time being) for the normal pack: Changes: Replaced the rough texture of the magma block to a new smooth, more accurate remastered faithful texture, Updated so that there is alternate terrain.png files for to add a new variant of the wool textures which is to match with the latest faithful programmer textures' tile-like wool textures, Now the file contains four zip files inside, requiring you to extract the file before usage the file contains as such: Fixes: Fixed the incorrect places of the Dandelion and the Rose flowers in the Terrain.png file - Z (edit: i accidentally merged this woops)
  20. Sort of a major update?: (News and Texture pack update) News: I'm back from break sorta to celebrate the NB 5th anniversary, onto the texture pack though, postponed the development on the Mo' Blocks pack for motivational and personal issues and moving on from the classicube community. Updates: Changed the terrain.png and icons.png is more closer to their original counterparts rather than copy and pastes, updated most block textures for consistency like Crates, Iron and Gold blocks, line-like pattern on the bottom of magma fixed off properly, and more, enjoy.
  21. Mini Update 2: (Mo' Blocks Pack and Normal Pack) Updated the Wool textures once or maybe twice so the wool textures are more accurate to the default pack, filled in the missing spot for the fire placeholder texture and made the sapling colour pallete more accurate to the default pack. And for the Mo' Blocks exclusive change note is a note for server owners that they are Officially allowed to modify the pack and personalise it for their own servers like swapping textures or adding more blocks to add the more fun to building for map builders and more, I'm actually tired now so this might be the "last" update to this for now since im gonna take a break, - Z
  22. Mini update: (Mo' Blocks Pack only) Added afew blocks/animations like the Portal frame and ruby block and ore (along with a placeholder diamond block texture i should get rid of) and slightly touched up the 2.0 Coal Block so its more accurate to the Minecraft 2.0 coal block texture, as well as adding the nether quartz ore in and the faithful version of the placeholder fire texture found in the default texture pack to go along with animation-less water and lava, enjoy! - Z
  23. maybe reorganize everything with /os lb edit or any other command depending on what server engine you're on, but swapping texture packs back could fix it
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