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i downloaded hamatchi (which comes with VPN)


so, i downloaded hamatchi because i thought i needed it to play an old game online with a couple people, and all of a suden when opening classicube later and trying to go into the 'Not awesome 2' server, i was unable to enter with the message "please do not connect from VPN IPs" being displayed on screen. so, i tried deleting evereything related to hamatchi and the website it's related to (LogMein), though that didn't do anything... hell, you don't even seem to be able to delete your acount. am i fucked, or can i still get in somehow? or if it was some auto-trigger ban, could someone on that server remove the ban if possible?

edit: i need to be whitelisted from the server, but it worked! the software comes with VPN, which after turning off or uninstaling is suppoed to allow you back into the server, though aperantly there was still proxy on my aptop left after i uninstalled hamatchi... (hamatchi is not a realy an actuall VPN,  though i have installed and conected to a real VPN a friend had a acount on, and disconecting and uninstaling that still allowed me to get back in to the server. btw, having a VPN active only seems to effect the specifik server mentioned)

Edited by alexdsuper

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