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(RECOMMENDED, 360+ FILES) Classicube Skyboxes Archive Megapack

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From Infamously used or Recovered skyboxes to Hidden gems, Classicube Skybox Archive Megapack is a massive collection of free-to-use skyboxes ready to be used for Classicube texture packs and maps, free of charge, this is a huge massive non-profit archive of around over 360+ Skybox textures.

Download Mirrors

Google Drive (folder view, make sure to check the top-right grid icon to have a better view of the files)

Google Drive (zip)

Mega (folder view, make sure to check any top-right large grid icon option to have a better view of the files)

Mega (zip)

Dropbox (zip)

Mediafire (zip)
https://www.mediafire.com/file/izw5y63wcowmfae/Classicube Skyboxes Archive Megapack.zip


Contents of the Archive

  • Tommy100's Classicube Skyboxes
    Pretty much well known to most individuals, pretty much Contains pretty much the well known skyboxes that you'd know like 'Ocean sky', 'Mountian Sky', 'Jungle', you name it. This folder also contains reconstructions and upscales of many of the skyboxes that take up the website that sadly only existed through low quality and compressed preview images as the links that cointained them expired throughout time that now they're fully recovered into their former glory! 🙂
  • MrRockman888's Custom-Map-Makers Skyboxes
    Not very known but is rather obscure Classicube media, the origins of this collection came from a mediafire upload from MrRockman888 posted on the New Blood discord that contained a big archive of old Custom Quake 3 Skyboxes that where instead in 512x parts than being connected into one to make the Classicube Skybox cubemap format and where very experimental Bryce 7-made skyboxes that varied in uniqueness and appearance with how colourful they are in many different themes it contains that makes it Avant Garde that I hopefully recon some or more people might like to try out.
  • Not Awesome 2 Skyboxes
    With granted premission from Goodlyay, I added the whole majority of skyboxes that are used across the famous Not Awesome 2 server from adventure maps to map build and alternate textures from my knowledge, with handmade pixel art backgrounds of different natural skies and enviroments in altering styles, it's what you would expect pretty much with alternate versions of eachother.
  • Zoeybarz' Game Skybox ports
    An odd unique choice of mine, originally just a folder that contained the updated and extended version of my old Roblox Skybox port collection, I wanted to make this category more unique than the other three to include the scrapped Blockland Skybox Collection port that I had planned to do but I lost interest into it.
    Td;lr: This category includes an updated and extended version of my old Roblox Skybox Collection along with the addition of a scrapped and completed collection of Blockland skyboxes, pretty interesting? okay move on.
  • Etcetera
    This is more or so just a smaller set of skyboxes that are split into two categories, one is "Cached" and the other is "Suggested", these skyboxes are more or so just unique and not part of the other skyboxes above.
    "Cached" is a bundle of around 13 skyboxes that are from digging around my texturecache folder that for each of the skyboxes I have a fondness of and suprised that they're not famously used at all in other areas of Classicube.
    "Suggested" is a pack of skyboxes that originally I was questioning the moral of the idea of its existence on if people would find me fishy to have this here as this whole archive's point is, well to archive skyboxes that are used around the classicube skyboxes, although friends on discord that I told them of the production of this archive they wouldn't stop suggesting me to add random but oddly fitting skyboxes for it that instantly put a nail in the coffin when seperately it was found that there's an extension of "Custom-Map-Makers skybox" that I had to just utilize the idea and just jump and dive to see how it would go with something like this in sacrifice to keep the categories clean lol.
    Now that I think about it my life sounds pretty ridiculous.

How do I Implement a Skybox into my texture pack?

To implement a skybox into your texture pack, drag and drop a skybox you'd like into the texture pack zip, and rename the file so it says "skybox.png", if there is an existing version of it, remove it so you can implement the new one, either that or just use image editing programs to replace them.

For a more in depth way of telling it, I recommend reading into this if you might get stuck, despite the latter of the forum post here being outdated due to dropbox's new link format.

Acknowledgements and credits

Most of the prominent skyboxes seen in this archive of skyboxes are all with a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license so I shall acknowledge here in the credits text document and I will credit ones which that have the license or not along with the ones I requested and granted premission to include here and ones from other media put together here into this large archive of skybox textures, fitted in for classicube and for obviously archival purposes altogether. I have no motives to steal or claim ones "as my own" and only specifically wanting to restore or altogether archive classicube skyboxes for public uses on classicube servers.
If I missed any skyboxes to credit here, please do let me know through forum DMS.

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