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  1. Please don't get Banned. Hi my screen is kinda broken on one side of the screen where the chat is, is there an option to where you move the chat to the other side of the screen?
  2. Where is remove hotkey? All I see is: Key: B Modifiers: None (Enter text) Input stays open: OFF Add hotkey Cancel Cancel I don't see a remove hotkey option Nvm it randomly fixed itself lol
  3. Hi, it's my first time here so I hope I don't get banned. I have a problem with my hotkeys, whenever I try to press B it automatically puts a message that says "jump" (because when I tried to set jumping to B I instead thought you did it through the hotkeys lol), instead of jumping, I got the button configuration figured out, I just need to know how to remove this hotkey so I can jump without putting a message in chat!
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