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About prestfromthewes

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    Banned User

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  1. i was in trouble because i was "annoying" (i am) but idk what i did other than say that a joke wasnt funny cuz they said theyll do my mom. so i got defensive, then i left and came back and i was demoted to less than a guest i was saying i was a kid, but i said i was 12 cuz i bet they were gonna say im not a kid if i said 14
  2. saying i was a kid, but i felt like 14 was too old to be a kid
  3. i lied about my age saying i was 12 to get out of trouble but im 14 i will show my birth cirtificarte if needed, since this is dumb
  4. i dont know, i just try to login and it wont let me
  5. prestfromthewes


    my main account prestfromthewest has been disabled or smth since it wont let me sign in with it
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