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Posts posted by hexaheximal

  1. On 6/20/2024 at 8:30 PM, LJplays said:

    Step 1: install the mono framework
    run "sudo apt install mono-complete" in the terminal

    Step 2: install and run MCGalaxy
    install MCGalaxy from here. https://github.com/UnknownShadow200/MCGalaxy/releases/download/
    unzip then run it with the command "mono MCGalaxy.exe"

    Step 3: port forward
    you will need to look up how to port forward for your router model
    then forward port 25565 for your ip
    To find your ip goto chrome://system in your browser and find ifconfig; hit expand. your ip will be the first number in the "inet" section



    You also need to go to the crostini settings and set it up to bridge port 25565 (or whatever you're using for the server) from the Debian container to the ChromeOS host system. I've had to deal with that before.


    And if you're on a school-managed chromebook, things get much more complicated.

  2. That error occurs because ClassiCube was built for a different libc, causing ABI incompatibilities.


    Most Linux programs are actually built for GNU/Linux (a subset of Linux) specifically, which includes using a glibc toolchain. The problem is that if the distribution you're trying to run it on isn't a GNU/Linux distribution, and thus doesn't have glibc, it won't work. Alpine Linux is one of those distributions - It's Linux, but it's not GNU/Linux. They use musl instead of glibc and busybox instead of coreutils. (This might not make sense, but when you realize how much smaller Alpine Linux is than GNU/Linux distributions you'll understand why they did that.)


    There a few solutions in this case:

    1. Compile ClassiCube from source. This will result in the best experience and is a great way to learn about compiling things in general.

    2. Installing gcompat with "apk add gcompat" to provide a compatibility layer on top of musl. I've done that before on postmarketOS, which is based on Alpine Linux. It's the easist approach, but it's far from perfect, and not everything will work properly.

    3. Installing glibc on top of Alpine Linux. You really shouldn't go down that route, but it *is* possible.


    Further reading:https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Running_glibc_programs

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