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About FireSniper11

  • Birthday 12/20/2008

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  1. FireSniper11


    Is there any way to download cc on a chromebook? also, my [chromebook](https://www.samsung.com/ie/computers/chromebook/samsung-chromebook-4-celeron-4gb-32gb-xe310xba-ka1uk/) doesnt support linux environment or whatever shit.
  2. i feel ya man 😭 new email I need (isn't a big problem) but wbu my progress in zombie survival and other servers????
  3. ok, did u install necessary files? This error message inidcates that the sound card, or external device you are using, is not configured correctly or some drivers are missing. check if ur sound card playback is set to 24 bit 48000 kHz (Studio quality) in the wndows, Soud settings.
  4. is dis on web browser or downloaded client? if on downloaded client, have u installed da files which appeared when u firs opened classicube? if u did all, there is probably a problem with how ur sound card is placed/installed.
  6. any way to have fullscreen in classicube web browser? also, why do i always have to connect through proxy? In ze image I added, even if u press connect through http, I doesn't work.
  7. ur welcome, I did see him playing on a server. "He destroyed level misery from Free owner server." u can blacklist him from ur world lol
  8. User accounts must not be used to spam or perform malicious actions.
  9. wellt hx for ur reply, I hope others don't make fun of my cring user thx for reply. I was wondering if there was any way to contact moderator or creator and ask them
  10. that ain't no Chromebook, that's a monster boi :-; electroBOOM is the best power supply ngl
  11. microsoft flight sim is good, even if yer PC ain't beefy, u can always use Xbox cloud game.
  12. when did the na2 waiting room come? like what year
  13. I like it, its super Mario bros and geometry dash mixed.
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